This plugin displays the most basic of quicktag buttons on your comment forms, using the Quicktag API built into WordPress (as of 3.3). No jQuery needed.
Contribute on GitHub.
- Install and activate the plugin.
Why did you do this?
Because I needed a simple plugin to do this job and decided to do it on his own. Since the Quicktag API is build in this plugin is very lightweight.
After careful consideration those are the only ones they ever use! If you have a reasonable argument why I should add in others, I’ll listen. Thus far, the only suggestion interesting was ‘code’ and I determined people won’t use that unless they know about it, and thus are capable to entering it manually.
No. I don’t have a need for it, and I don’t want to include code I’m not going to personally make use of. It makes it much harder on me to support it later. (Read Herbert Hecht’s article “Rare Conditions � An Important Cause of Failures” to understand my views on including rarely used code. tl;dr: I try not to.)
Does this work on Multisite?
Yes. It can be network activated or per-site, works fine.
Will you expand this to BuddyPress?
Not at this time.
기여자 & 개발자
“Simple Comment Quicktags”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.
- Minor text changes
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.4
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.3
- Migration to GitHub actions.
- No code changes.
- Removed jQuery dependency.
- Plugin Name: Simple Comment Quicktag
- Fork of the fork of my own Comment QuickTags plugin by Ipstenu.
- Reuploaded code to WordPress repository.
- Removed options. The plugin has a single purpose and can be deactivated.
- Removed css prefixes and fixed hover
- Removed bbPress support. I will add it back if I understand the problem.
- Removed donate link.
- Plugin Name: Basic Comment Quicktag was removed from WordPress Repository
- 2012 April 27, by Ipstenu
- Initial fork of MarcTV Comment QuickTag
- Added in support for bbPress
- Added in checks to only load JS/CSS when on a page where one might leave comments
- Added failure if not WordPress 3.3 or greater
- Plugin Name: MarcTV Quicktags
- 2010 Basic plugin concept and first release by Marc Tönsing