Based on jQuery Paper Collapse Plugin, by Alexander Rühle, this WordPress plugin allows you to create toggles in format of collapsible paper cards, inspired by Google Material Design.
You can even use FA icons on your toggles.
Install and basic usage video:
Titles, icons and content:
Shortcode attributes: title, icon, color
Either use the built-in WordPress plugin installer to grab the plugin from the WordPress plugin repository, or upload the entire contents of the
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory. -
Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress.
Use the shortcode [mpaper]your content[/mpaper]
You better set a title. Use the attribute title=“Your Title”. Like this: [mpaper title=“Your Title”]your content[/mpaper] .
The default icon is “fa-bullseye”. But you can use any icon available in Font Awsome. First, select the icon you want to use, visiting Font Awsome Icons Cheatsheet Page. Then, copy the name of the icon (“fa-something”) and use it inside the shortcode, as an attribute. Like this: [mpaper title=“Your Title” icon=“fa-arrows”]your content[/mpaper].
If you do not want to use icon on your shortcode, go like this: [mpaper icon=“no”]content[/mpaper].
If you want to change title and icon color, use: [mpaper title=“Your Title” icon=“fa-arrows” color=“red”]your content[/mpaper]. Use hex color codes if you prefer.
Q: Is there a maximum number of Master Paper Collpase Toggles I can have on a single blog post or page?
A: I don’t think so. You can have as many as you would like.
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기여자 & 개발자
자국어로 “Master Paper Collapse Toggle”(을)를 번역하세요.
개발에 관심이 있으십니까?
Initial release
Option to choose a color for title and icon added, via shortcode attribute (‘color’).
Class added to icon (mpc-icon), for CSS purposes