이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Smart Search for WooCommerce


The importance of a fast and well integrated information retrieval system cannot be underestimated. Users expect to have a site search that operates like Google. They need it to quickly sort through your products and produce relevant results quickly. Plus, they expect to be able to drill down through your product listings as quickly as possible, just like the larger eCommerce sites allow them to do. Smart Search allows your visitors to do exactly that.

The Morrison Consulting Smart Search plugin incorporates a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library, optimized to provide the best speed and accuracy for the WordPress platform. Smart Search technology uses the best in class relevance and ranking algorithm to display your search results in an order that makes sense.

With our Smart Search technology you can:

Match word stems and plurals. For example: running matches run, shelves matches shelf.
Custom spell check built by your own product database allowing you to suggest recommendations, such as “Did you mean: Morrison Consulting (instead of Morisson Consult).”
Dynamic Sorting on Relevance, Price, Highest Rated, Best Sellers.
Similar items term vectoring.

Built With

  • WordPress – WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app.
  • WooCommerce – The most customizable eCommerce platform for building your online business.


Our technology generates a feed from your store with the information you would like to have indexed.
Initially we target the post type of “product”, but this can be altered after initial setup.
The index data resides on a external server located and managed at https://wooss.moco.biz/.
Once install is complete our server will ping your website regularly to re-index data and keep your SmartSearch run fast and efficient.
The 3rd party will track and return data to your WordPress with speed and accuracy, allowing for auto complete and quick search results.


  1. Upload / Install the plugin via chosen method.

  2. Click settings form the plugins page on SmartSearch WP OR click SmartSearch from left menu in admin area.

  3. Follow a simple 4 step process

  4. Update SmartSearch Dashboard to point to your website


Does SmartSearch work with WooCommerce?

Does SmartSearch work with product variations in WooCommerce?

Does SmartSearch work with custom post types?

Will SmartSearch change the way my websites search results are displayed?
No, SmartSearch WP was built to keep your current themes same look and feel

What if SmartSearch has not indexed my site and returns no search results?
SmartSearch WP will know that if it did not find any results to reincorporate the WordPress search engine, displaying your latest of changes. You can also perform a push of your newest changes and have SmartSearch be instantly updated!

Installation Instructions
  1. Upload / Install the plugin via chosen method.

  2. Click settings form the plugins page on SmartSearch WP OR click SmartSearch from left menu in admin area.

  3. Follow a simple 4 step process

  4. Update SmartSearch Dashboard to point to your website


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  • Correct post logic to be limited to SmartSearch Admin Area


  • Initial launch