Ninja Footers is an internal linking tool that let’s you add customizable & clickable footers to all of your WordPress posts.
Post footers should be an essential part of any WordPress blog’s design. Post footers can help any blog reach it’s potential by providing 4 measureable assets:
1. Internal Linking By adding clickable links that redirect users to other parts of your website you can drastically improve your website Search Engine Optimization. By installing Ninja Footers you can automatically add post footers to all of your previous blog entries. A site with 50 existing posts will instantly have an additional 50 links directing users and Google toward toward the page or post of your choice.. The impact of Ninja Footers can often be seen and tracked almost immediately in respects to website’s Google’s page ranking.
2. Easier Site Navigation By adding custom page footers to your WordPress blog you can send engaged readers to the exact page or post of your choice. You know your blog and the content it contains but your readers may not. A customizable post footer gives you the power to direct readers towards the content that they will find most valuable.
As an added benefit, multiple page views will reduce your website’s bounce rate. A lower bounce rate let’s Google know that your site has valuable content. Google’s main function is to assist users in finding the information they are looking for. Bounce rate is one of the many variables they consider when determining page ranking by making your site easier to navigate you help your readers, Google and your site’s SEO.
3. Keywords & Anchor Text Ninja Footers is fully customizable. This gives you an extra opportunity to add keywords to every post in your blog. If your anchor text (the clickable part) uses your keywords, you can increase the impact of your post footers dramatically. Including keywords in the anchor text lets Google know what your “target page” is about which then makes it easier for Google to send relevant readers to your site.
4. Increased Conversion Pop-ups that “fire” the second you visit a site can be annoying. However, if a reader has made it to the end a blog post it is fair to assume they are an engaged reader. The post footer is a perfect place to add a conversion opportunity. Whether it be a mailing list Optin form or an invitation to follow one of your social media channels, there is no better spot than directly after you have already provided your audience information they find valuable. Post footers can dramatically help almost any WordPress website. They help your readers navigate your site, Google understand your site, give you an extra customer conversion opportunity and can play an essential role in your site’s SEO strategy.
Advance Features
Use the advance settings to control where and how the footer is displayed.
- Select which pages you’d like to display your Ninja Footers on. E.g: you may not want your Home page to contain a customized footer section.
- Control whether to display after post excerpts or not.
- Use the priority setting to troubleshoot conflicts with other plugins or themes.
- Works with shortcodes to create advance footers with slideshows, contact forms or whatever you desire.
Install Ninja Footers by Samurai 9 Design today and give us a week to do what we do. Then let us know how much these customizable post footers have helped your website.
Automatic Plugin Installation
To add Ninja Footers by Samurai 9 Design by using the built-in plugin installer:
- Go to Plugins > Add New.
- Type “Ninja Footers”・into the Search Plugins box.
- Once you see Ninja Footers by Samurai 9 Design.
- Click Details for more information about the Plugin and instructions you may wish to print or save to help setup the Plugin.
- Click Install Now to install the Ninja Footers Plugin.
Manual Installation
The manual installation of Ninja Footers by Samurai 9 Design involves downloading the plugin from the WordPress.org and then uploading it to your server using a FTP installation tool. If you require more information you can refer to the WordPress codex for additional instructions. How to use:
- Go to Dashboard > Posts > Ninja Footers.
- Choose the category of post you like the footer to show up on.
- Write your custom footer and add anchor text by using the link button.
- Click “Save Changes”・
- Repeat with other categories as required.
- Do Ninja Footers work across all of the categories on my site?
Yes, they do. Simply click all of the desired post headings from our options screen and a footer will appear on all of the related posts.
- Can I apply different footers for different categories?
Sorry, our current version does not support multiple footers.
- Can I add links into my custom footer?
Yes you can. Ninja Footer gives you the ability to add page targeting and easier site navigation through our internal linking feature.
- Can I use Ninja Footers for installing a Contact Form?
Absolutely, Ninja Footers can be used to display text, images, contact forms and almost anything else you can imagine.
- Does Ninja Footers support Shortcodes?
Yes it does. With the use shortcodes you can turn your footer into a sales funnel, a conversion opportunity, call to action or almost anything you’d like.
- In the settings, I unchecked everything that had to do with pages and I only want to use the plugin on posts but the footer still appears on all pages. What should I do?
This issue is normally caused by a combination of plugins and a site-builder. The issue can normally be cleared up by going to the settings section on the Ninja Footers plugin display. First, select “Display Certain Pages Only”, don’t select any pages and then save your new settings. If that doesn’t work you could also add a dummy page to your site and only apply the footers to that unpublished dummy page.
기여자 & 개발자
Release Date: March 24, 2016
* Enhancement: General: Disabled ability to add footer when a static page isn’t assigned to the Front page or Blog page. This should make it more intuitive to use.
* Enhancement: General: Added a setting to control specifically whether the footer is added to the blog.
* Enhancement: General: Added a setting to control whether the footer is added to content called through a AJAX.= 0.1.6 =
Release Date: February 9, 2016
* Bug Fix: Displays on all pages unless specific pages are selected.
Release Date: January 30, 2016
- Enhancement: General: Added a setting to control the priority of the plugin. An advance feature to help avoid conflicting with other plugins or themes that filter the post content.
- Enhancement: General: Added a setting to control whether to display on archive pages or not.
- Enhancement: General: Can select from categories that have no posts.
Release Date: January 4, 2016
- Bug Fix: No longer displays on manually created excerpts when excerpts box is unchecked.
Release Date: November 24, 2015
- Enhancement: General: Can now change settings of what pages to display and whether to display on excerpts or not.
- Enhancement: General: Removed Lite from name.
Release Date: November 22, 2015
- Bug Fix: Calling for unnecessary file.
- Bug Fix: Error when no categories are selected.
Release Date: November 10, 2015
- Enhancement: General: Can now handle shortcodes
- Enhancement: General: Modified to prevent footers from showing up on home or front page.
Release Date: October 31, 2015