이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Okay Toolkit


Okay Portfolio Items

If your theme supports portfolio items, the Toolkit adds a Portfolio custom post type. Once enabled, you will see a Portfolio Items menu item, which you can use to create your portfolio.

Okay Custom Image Galleries

If your theme supports custom galleries, the Toolkit adds custom image gallery support. Once enabled, you can create custom, editable and rearrangable image galleries using the new 3.5 Media Manager.

Okay Widgets

The Toolkit adds Twitter, Flickr, Dribbble and Retina social media icons to your theme.


  • The Okay Toolkit widget will appear in your list of available widgets.
  • A view of the available settings for the Toolkit.
  • Widgets that will appear in your Widgets area once activated.
  • Retina social icons widget active in a footer.


This plugin can be installed directly from your site.

  1. Log in and navigate to Plugins → Add New.
  2. Type “Okay Toolkit” into the Search input and click the “Search Widgets” button.
  3. Locate the Okay Toolkit in the list of search results and click “Install Now”.
  4. Click the “Activate Plugin” link at the bottom of the install screen.
  5. Navigate to Settings → Okay Toolkit to modify the plugin’s settings. The widgets will be available in Appearance → Widgets.

It can also be installed manually.

  1. Download the “Okay Toolkit” plugin from WordPress.org.
  2. Unzip the package and move to your plugins directory.
  3. Log into WordPress and navigate to the “Plugins” screen.
  4. Locate “Okay Toolkit” in the list and click the “Activate” link.
  5. Navigate to Settings → Okay Toolkit to learn about the plugin’s features. The widgets will be available in Appearance → Widgets.


What is this plugin and why do I need it?

The Okay Toolkit extends the functionality of your theme by adding support for Portfolios, Sliders, extra widgets and more. The plugin is not a requirement to use Okay themes, but it will extend the themes to function as you see them in the demos.

Where are the Toolkit settings?

Previous versions of the Okay Toolkit had settings on this page. Currently all options have been automated, and you do not need to change any settings. All widgets are automatically activated and available in Appearance -> Widgets.

Can I use this plugin with other themes?

The Okay Toolkit was developed to extend the functionality of Okay Themes specifically. It is not a plugin meant for use with other themes, except when using the Toolkit to move your Portfolio items to a new theme.


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기여자 & 개발자

“Okay Toolkit”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.


자국어로 “Okay Toolkit”(을)를 번역하세요.

개발에 관심이 있으십니까?

코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.


v1.0 – Nov 11th, 2012

  • Original Release.

v1.1 – Nov 25th, 2012

  • Removed drop shadows from icons.

v1.2 – Jan 10th, 2013

  • Added Portfolio custom post type.

v1.3 – Jan 14th, 2013

  • Removed Undefined Index errors from debug mode.

v1.4 – Jan 16th, 2013

  • Added Custom Image Galleries for the newer themes.

v1.5 – Feb 13th, 2013

  • Added Custom Image Gallery support for Verb’s custom post type.

v1.6 – Mar 26th, 2013

  • Small modifications to social icon styles.

v1.7 – Apr 16th, 2013

  • Added Slide custom post type for themes that support them.
  • Removed option to enable and disable Portfolio Items and galleries. If your theme supports either, they are now turned on by default.
  • General file cleanup.

v1.8 – May 8th, 2013

  • Added support for custom meta boxes.

v1.9 – June 13th, 2013

  • Added temporary Twitter widget to support Twitter’s new v1.1 API.

v2.0 – June 24th, 2013

  • Added new Twitter widget to support Twitter’s new v1.1 API.
  • Redesigned social icon set and added Instagram and Github icons. Icon settings have been moved to the widget.
  • Removed widget activation settings. Widgets are activated by default now.
  • Added support for comments on portfolio item custom post type.
  • General file cleanup.

v2.1 – June 24th, 2013

  • General file cleanup.

v2.2 – January 14th, 2014

  • Fixed bug in Twitter widget.

v2.3 – January 14th, 2014

  • Fixed bug icons widget.