이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

WooCommerce Analytics, Chat and CRM – OOMetrics


Turn your WooCommerce Store into a live one! OOMetrics captures every activity and gives you tools to offer something; right away! Push new prices, popup, coupons and … remotely and per customer, individually!

REALTIME Analytics and Reporting

Sessions are everything, they have values, You can count on them! Every customer’s visit will be a session and every activity adds a value to the session. Add to cart, checkout page and … have different values. Values define which session is important to interact! OOMetrics provides user activities, shopping profile, digital profile and tools to communicate. All events will be stored in database for further analysis.

Interactions is possible, even per customer

You can push Discounts, Coupons and Popups to any session instantly and for each session INDIVIDUALLY. Only the customer selected will see the price changes and other features! You can even pop a chat too. As mentioned, sessions worth following (by values provided), can be converted to sales with instant decisions using push feature.

Individually means, Individually!!

Most OOMetrics features can be limited to specific product or specific customer! When you send a pop up for specific session, then content will be available only for that session; Or sale prices! you can change the price for specific product and for specific session! NOBODY ELSE CAN SEE THOSE CHANGES! By the way, you can apply some of them globally through shortcuts!

OOMetrics Communication using Live Chat

There is a live chat system which is connected to other features. Chat can be started by customer or the shop manager. They can have attachments and for logged in users they will be stored as conversations.

Pop Ups! Dynamic, Remote and Per Customer Ones!

In OOMetrics, you can build new pop ups right away or save it as template. OOMetrics even has a shortcut for it on every live session! You can send or just write and build one right away as a pop up! In most cases it is better to pop a chat :). BTW, delivery and click rates will be calculated for further analytics and it supports Widgets as content.

Push stuff to the session and for each session individually!

Push what to the session?! OK, lets define “push” :
“In OOMetrics push is a new state which will be send to a specific session to do what is it made to do! New prices, New settings or new content; Dynamically, remotely and individually! You can define a lifetime for each push like apply for 1 hour or to the end of session! it can be canceled anytime though!”

Push Sale Price, Specifically or Globally

This is absolutely odd! You can change product prices dynamically! Sometimes it is obvious from user behavior that the price is an issue and you can do something about it! so with OOMetrics, you can do it right away or apply a global sale price to whole store for this specific session only

Coupons for Cart of somebody!

Sure, when you can change prices, and send pop ups dynamically, you can apply a WooCommerce coupons for specific session!

What about Cart Content!

What about it? 🙂 Of course you can add / edit / remove items from any cart you want remotely, But please use it carefully; The customer may panic.

Powerfull UI/UX – All In ONE

Storing user activity is serious and we optimized it. All the features are accessible on only one page! Some of the features have shortcuts too, to speed things up!

All in ONE

We designed a software which provides a solution! Powerful features, modern approach and quality UI/UX are parts of it! You have your WooCommerce store statistics, customer activities and a push panel all in one page to give you speed. Customer digital info, shopping info and activities alongside powerfull chat and instant push system will give you the tools and speed to interact. Mix your customer activity, shopping history and dynamic content to increase your customer retention.

Key Features:

  • Store Analytics + Website Statistics
  • Customer activities
  • Customer shoopping profile info
  • Customer digital profile info
  • Online Chat connected to user info and activities
  • Push sale price to any user for any product, individually, remotely
  • Push and apply coupon to any user for defined time, remotely
  • Send dynamic popups remotely, individually
  • Add / Edit / Delete cart items remotely
  • Shortcuts for speed
  • Report dashboard
  • Minimal UI Powerfull features

= Version 1.2 – Major Update
OOMetrics is now on version 1.2 which works like a charm. Prior version was buggy but all are set and requests are optimized.


  • OOMetrics main dashboard
  • Push Types
  • Push Type: Product Sale Options
  • Push Type: PopUp Options
  • Customer Cart Content and Different Conversations
  • Report Page
  • Report Page – Individual User
  • Customer Details
  • Settings page
  • Front-End Chat


Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option — WordPress will handles the file transfer, and you won’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of OOMetrics, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click “Add New.”

In the search field type “OOMetrics,” then click “Search Plugins.” Once you’ve found us, you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by! Click “Install Now,” and WordPress will take it from there.

Manual installation

  • Place the repository in wp-content/plugins/`
  • Activate the plugin in WordPress > Plugins > OOMetrics > Activate
  • Configure your settings via new dashboard menu item “OOMetrics” > Settings

PLEASE make sure to configure OOMetrics first (Navigation: WP Dashboard / OOMetrics / Settings)
If your admin chat or push is not working, you need to clean your session cookie.


Can I use with Google Analytics?

Sure, OOMetrics is compatible with GA

How accurate is the data

We will clean the data and block most bots and crawlers and remove unnecessary visits
There is an option in settings.


2021년 2월 12일 답글 1개
Was looking for months for a plugin like this!! that could show you a list of all Visitors LIVE on your websites and the various pages they are on. What is even more awesome is that you can actually initiate a chat with any of the visitors you wish too!! and not just that you can offer instant special discounts and offers right in that moment to prevent Cart Abandonment!! To top it all it has many features that only Pro plugins provide!! the only sad part is that its not been updated for 6months and the website is dead the demo URL is dead!! It will really a sad thing if this plugin were to go dead!!! Please donate to keep the Plugin Alive
모든 1 평가 읽기

기여자 & 개발자

“WooCommerce Analytics, Chat and CRM – OOMetrics”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.




  • First Launch


  • Fix data accuracy


  • Fixed remote pushes when chat is disabled
  • fixed RTL UI


  • Fixed – css class names
  • Fixed – PHP warnings
  • Fixed – HTML content in pop ups
  • Fixed – chat front-end-box
  • Dev – Ready to use pop up templates and shortcut button on every live sessions
  • Dev – global sale price for specific customer and shortcut button on every live sessions


  • Fixed – pushing sale price for each variation
  • Fixed – uploading attachments for chat messages (front-end + back-end)
  • Fixed – Product search UI/UX issues
  • Fixed – Adding to cart initial WooCommerce session
  • Fixed – Main user (administrator) activities not storing in database
  • Dev – Customer profile tab info


  • Fixed – conflicting OOMetrics session and WooCoomerce session interupts session connection for chat and push


  • Patch v.1.0.6


  • Patch v.1.0.7


  • Dev – Activities have titles and thumbnails
  • Dev – Exclude users by ID in tracking activities and showing as live session
  • Dev – chat front-end UI customization: custom welcome message and options to change chat button icon
  • Dev – chat has sidebar layout now and will show as panel
  • Dev – pop ups now can have themes, 3 types added; Appearance effect added too
  • Fixed – unsupported files formats issue and download link
  • Fixed – Pop up mobile design


  • Dev – Core changes on session handling, now only cookies involved!
  • Dev – Major bug fixes on chat when no admin was online.
  • Dev – Major bug fixes on Push and Info tab UI.
  • Dev – Settings to control chat UI and positions
  • Fixed – Major bug fixes


  • Icon font files fix

= v.1.1.1
* Dev – Best interval settings
* Dev – Chat status update optimization send only one request instead of per bubble
* Fixed – Chat update delay

= v1.1.2
* Dev – Optimized server requests – now only one quick and simple request check for status change of chats, pushes and …
* Dev – Reports page
* Fix – Chat upload and intervals
* Fix – Interval order, abort and start

= v1.1.3
* Fixed – Reports pagination
* Fixed – Duplicate chat bubble on front-end
* Fixed – Chat message focus after send
* Fixed – Cookie lifetime changed from 7 days to 1 day (conversation lifetime);

= v1.1.4
* Fixed – Session user ID update after registeration
* Fixed – Admin enqueues
* Fixed – Saving Settings
* Enhancement – Warn dashboard user if it is not the main one.

* All classes redefined
* Fixed all chat bugs
* Fixed all session bugs
* Fixed Cart manipulation feature
* UI/UX enhancement on both back-end & front-end
* Optimization: requests for chat and session check

= v1.3
* Fixed some bugs