이 플러그인은 2019년 6월 22일(으)로 폐쇄되었고 내려받기가 불가능합니다. 사유: 보안 문제.
2016년 12월 3일
Configurations don’t work. No support. Huge disappointment considering the amount of time spent adding products and variations only to have checkout configurations not working including suppressing PayPal express buttons and sidebars on pages.
2016년 11월 28일
it works fine
2016년 11월 24일
I installed it and wasted hours setting it up. It wouldn’t accept any other pages but the default Cart and Checkout pages. Whatever I put in, next time I went in the Settings, it was back to the default. The style of the shop, cart and checkout were ugly with no way to customize. But within a couple of hours, my system started to slow to a crawl, then returned 500 server errors and out of memory errors. In the occasional times when I could login, I saw that this plugin had created close to 1000 new pages, all duplicates of the Cart page. It must have been in some sort of infinite loop, creating more and more Cart pages. I deleted the plug-in and lost all the work configuring it, and will be up all night removing these duplicates and hoping my site gets back to normal again.
2016년 10월 9일
Excellent support, easy to use and to modify !
2016년 9월 24일
It is not possible to support 3rrd part customers without standard paypal checkout, asking for their paypal account passwords is not acceptable.
2016년 9월 3일
Excellent support and easy to use. Easy to add products, style them and also the cart functionality and checkouts