Post Category Prev-Next Link Fix


Fixes the bug in category listing page pagination. When you are using permalink structure as %category%/%postname% , second page URL of category listing page will be category-name/page/2 which WordPress identify \\”page\\” as post name. And will return 404 error page. This plug-in will fix the issue. This also fix the next and previous buttons bug in while using custom permalink structure. This is also remove category word from the url without using categorybase.


  1. Upload post-category-prev-next-fix to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the \\’Plugins\\’ menu in WordPress
  3. You are done


Do I need to do some settings change in WordPress backend?

No, this is just a bug fixing. You have nothing to do with it


2022년 5월 2일
Fixes archive next page issues perfectly. Thank you so much. For Elementor users, this fixes the Archive widget pagination not working, 404 issue
모든 4 평가 읽기

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