이 플러그인은 2024년 7월 9일(으)로 폐쇄되었고 내려받기가 불가능합니다. 사유: 지침 위반.
2024년 5월 21일
The plugin works but the module itself shows this message.
This third party module is not fully compatible with the latest version of the Divi Builder. You can still edit the module, but it will take longer to update on the page. You can contact the developer of the module to encourage them to update it. Click here for more info.
2022년 10월 31일
Just installed and tried, but the last version has a year. Divi says that’s still working but it would be good asking to the developer for an update. So, I’m doing that here, thanks in advance.
2021년 3월 15일
Simple solution to search only projects for example
2020년 9월 2일
Allow me to add a search form for my custom post type. Great !
I also suggested a french translation for the plugin.
Thanks !
2020년 6월 17일
This plugin is simple, and perfect. Works great with current versions of Divi! I have a guide on how to use this module and create a custom search results page on my blog at Pee-Aye Creative!
2020년 5월 13일
I normally don’t use plugins that don’t get updated regularly, but I needed this specific functionality. Still works great!
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