If you have large articles and many H1-H6 headings on the page, it will be useful for you to add the table of contents of the article at the very beginning so that users can see which sections the article is divided into, as well as quickly scroll to the desired part of the text.
In addition, adding links to headlines allows you to make internal linking and improve SEO.
What’s inside?
- Easy configuration plugin
Popular use cases – all automated!
- Fast scroll for big text content to most relative part
- SEO optimising content by add anchors for H1-H6 titles
How to use it
- Install and activate plugin
- After activation you will see new menu section “Navigations Links”
- In plugin settings you need select post types – where show box with links. Also you can change color style for your theme.
WordPress Plugins by WP Masters
- Clone Woo Orders – Free by WP Masters
- Multiple Carts, Persistent Carts, Abandoned Carts, MultiVendors for Woo – Free by WP Masters
- Import Products, Variations and Attributes – Free by WP Masters
content links, title links, smooth scroll to title, seo links content, anchor title
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- Initial version