Link your ProPhoto WordPress site to Light Blue
Light Blue is a business management system designed specifically for professional photographers. If you’re using the ProPhoto 5 theme for your WordPress site, you can use this add-on to link your contact form directly to your Light Blue account.
To use the Light Blue API for ProPhoto Plug-in, you need:
- A WordPress site that supports plugins (i.e. not a site that’s hosted by WordPress.com).
- The ProPhoto 5 theme.
- A Light Blue account with a subscription to our online services.
The Light Blue API
You can find out more about the Light Blue API in our documentation, which includes more information about how you can go about linking your ProPhoto 5 contact form to your Light Blue account.
Any questions about the Light Blue API for ProPhoto Plug-in can be directed to the Help section of our website.
- Upload plugin files to your plugins folder, or install using WordPress’ built-in Add New Plugin installer.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- Go to the Light Blue API for ProPhoto Plug-in settings page by clicking on its ‘Settings’ link from the ‘Installed Plugins’ list in WordPress.
- Enter your Light Blue API key and click the ‘Update Settings’ button.
- Follow the instructions in the settings screen to find out more about the Light Blue API and how to configure your ProPhoto 5 contact form to work with it.
- Requirements
To use the Light Blue API for ProPhoto Plug-in, you need:
- A WordPress site that supports plugins (i.e. not a site that’s hosted by WordPress.com).
- The ProPhoto 5 theme.
- A Light Blue account with a subscription to our online services.
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개발에 관심이 있으십니까?
- Updated the ‘tested up to’ parameter after successfully testing the plugin with WordPress 5.1.
- Updated the ‘tested up to’ parameter after successfully testing the plugin with WordPress 4.5.
- The ‘requires ProPhoto 5’ warning message that appears if you’re not using ProPhoto 5 now only appears on WordPress admin pages.
- Updated the ‘tested up to’ parameter after successfully testing the plugin with WordPress 4.2.
- Updated the ‘tested up to’ parameter after successfully testing the plugin with WordPress 4.0 and added graphics for use in the WordPress plugins directory.
- Added support for a forthcoming change to the Light Blue API.
- Fixes another problem that could prevent multiple contacts from working properly in forms.
- Fixes a problem that could prevent multiple contacts from working properly in forms.
- Initial release for the WordPress plugins directory.
- Initial release.