Under each post or page Its display recent visited user(registered)image and email.
you can also add short code under any post type.
add this code in your post content
Short Codes
if you want display five persone in one row then use below short code
[rwuv_recent_wp_user_visitorr no_of_col=”5″ link=’yes’ caption=’yes’ size=’100′]
if you want display five persone in one row and no email link and no user name then use below short code
[rwuv_recent_wp_user_visitor no_of_col=”5″ link=’no’ caption=’yes’ size=’100′]
[rwuv_recent_wp_user_visitor no_of_col=”5″ link=’yes’ caption=’no’ size=’100′]
[rwuv_recent_wp_user_visitor no_of_col=”5″ link=’no’ caption=’no’ size=’150′]
[rwuv_recent_wp_user_visitor no_of_col=”3″ link=’yes’ caption=’yes’ size=’100′]
PHP Code
If you want to display resent user info with php code
If you want to display resent user info in array then you have to use this function
- Download, install, and activate Recent WP User Visitors plugin.
- You can set how many user you want to display, image size, emial link etc under settings page.
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