

Resizeer is a WordPress plugin designed to help you manage your media library more efficiently, ensuring your images are optimally sized for both web performance and quality. With Resizeer, you can automate the image resizing process, whether you’re uploading new images or dealing with existing ones in your library.


  1. Upload the resizeer folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings > Resizeer to configure the plugin.


Does Resizeer automatically resize images upon upload?

Yes, Resizeer can automatically resize images when they are uploaded to your WordPress site, ensuring they meet the maximum height and width you’ve set in the plugin’s settings.

Can Resizeer bulk resize existing images?

Yes, Resizeer offers a feature to bulk resize existing images in your WordPress media library. This functionality allows you to optimize all previously uploaded images to ensure they are not unnecessarily large, which can improve your site’s loading times and performance.

What image formats does Resizeer support?

Resizeer supports JPEG, PNG, and GIF image formats.

Will Resizeer overwrite my original images?

Yes, Resizeer is designed to replace your original images with optimized versions to ensure that your site benefits from the reduced file sizes.

Can I restore my original images after they’ve been processed by Resizeer?

No, Resizeer does not store original images after processing. It’s recommended to keep backup copies of your original images if you foresee the need to revert.

How can I check how much space I’ve saved with Resizeer?

Resizeer provides statistics within its settings page showing the total storage saved and the percentage reduction in image file sizes.


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  • Initial release.