이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Responsive Lightbox


Responsive Lightbox WordPress plugin adds Lightbox functionality for images, html content and media on your webpages.

Live demo.

Features of this plugin

  • Responsive.
  • Light weight.
  • Option to set automatically add Lightbox to your images, gallery, videos etc.
  • Customisable through settings and CSS.

The Responsive Lightbox Pro includes added support for:

  • Responsive and HiDPI compatible.
  • Designed to work with the both classic and gutenberg editors
  • Touch enabled and mobile friendly.
  • Option to add LightBox functionality automatically to your images, gallery, videos etc.
  • 7 built in CSS powered effects (Fade, Slide, Fall etc.).
  • Show image captions automatically.
  • Add LightBox functionality for any type of content such as images, image galleries, AJAX, iFrame, Flash, Youtube or Vimeo videos, another website, inline content, HTML etc.
  • Easy to use standard admin interface with more than 15 options.
  • 2 built in themes and simple templating system add your own theme easily.
  • Translation ready.
  • Multisite support.
  • Search engine optimised.
  • Light weight. (Smaller file size which load faster.).
  • Support all browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc.
  • Compatible with any theme.
  • Developed in best practices of CSS3 and HTML5.
  • Easy to customise through settings and custom option to override styles, if necessary without editing the css files.
  • Change default colors with color pickers.
  • Integrated with automatic updates.


  • http://www.backraw.com/plugins/rll/images/screenshot-1.jpg


Installation Instruction & Configuration

1.You can use the built-in installer. OR
Download the zip file and extract the contents. Upload the ‘responsive-lightbox-lite’ folder to your plugins directory (wp-content/plugins/).

2.Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

3.Log into Admin panel and go to Settings > responsive lightbox lite to change values.

Adding images to a post and linking them to media files

  1. Open the page or post editor
  2. Click the plus button to add a new block
  3. Click the Image block
  4. The image block will be added to the page. Click either the Upload or Media Library button
  5. Choose an image to add and link it to media file by clicking on the anchor icon on the top of the block settings. So it can open in the LightBox

How to add Lightbox functionality manually?

If you would prefer to add Lightbox manually, first you need to disable automatically add option from the backend (Settings > Responsive Lightbox) and add rel and data-type attributes to your links accordingly.

  1. Single Images

  2. Images Gallery

  3. iFrame/ external links
    rel=”lightbox” data-lightbox-type=”iframe”

  4. Gmap
    rel=”lightbox” data-lightbox-type=”iframe”

  5. Vimeo
    rel=”lightbox” data-lightbox-type=”iframe”

  6. Youtube
    rel=”lightbox” data-lightbox-type=”iframe”

  7. Ajax
    rel=”lightbox” data-lightbox-type=”ajax”

  8. Inline
    rel=”lightbox” data-lightbox-type=”inline”


How to add Lightbox functionality manually?

If you would prefer to add Lightbox manually, first you need to disable automatically add option from the backend (Settings > Responsive Lightbox) and add rel and data-type attributes to your links accordingly.

  1. Single Images

  2. Images Gallery

  3. iFrame/ external links
    rel=”lightbox” data-lightbox-type=”iframe”

  4. Gmap
    rel=”lightbox” data-lightbox-type=”iframe”

  5. Vimeo
    rel=”lightbox” data-lightbox-type=”iframe”

  6. Youtube
    rel=”lightbox” data-lightbox-type=”iframe”

  7. Ajax
    rel=”lightbox” data-lightbox-type=”ajax”

  8. Inline
    rel=”lightbox” data-lightbox-type=”inline”


2023년 5월 10일
I am very impressed with this plugin, it worked right out the box and looks great and works on mobile too. I liked that it doesn’t have a ton of extras that slow down the process and my website, I just wanted a good lightbox that worked easily! Thank you!
2022년 3월 25일
This plugin works for just displaying the image in a lightbox, but I’m looking for something that displays the attachment as a modal with title description etc
모든 41 평가 읽기

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“Responsive Lightbox”(이)가 3 개 언어로 번역되었습니다. 기여해 주셔서 번역자님께 감사드립니다.

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개발에 관심이 있으십니까?

코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.


Version 1.3.2

Added missing script file.

Version 1.2

Bug fixes for improved quality and performance.