The Retappd plugin can be used to display a user’s most recent checkins in a post or a page by the use of a shortcode. You can choose what pieces of Untappd checkin information that you would like to display in the plugin’s settings. Example usage of the shortcode is as follows: [retappd].
- Download the plugin and unzip it. Upload the full directory into your wp-content/plugins directory
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Sign Up for Untappd API keys if you do not already have them (http://untappd.com/api/register)
- Visit your Retappd Settings (Settings – Retappd)
- Configure required Retappd options (Untappd Client ID, Client Secret and username is mandatory)
- NOTE: The username MUST HAVE Untappd user checkin activity. If not, there isn’t anything to display.
- Place the Retappd shortcode on the pages that you want to give users access to the Untappd user feed: [retappd]
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