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- 리워드 포인트 쇼트코드입니다: [phoen_reward_points_user]
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프리미엄 버전 라이브 데모 | 프리미엄 버전 링크 | 설명서 링크
지원 이메일
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- 워드프레스 관리자 패널로 이동한 다음 플러그인으로 이동합니다. “새로 추가”를 클릭한 다음 화면 상단에 있는 “플러그인 업로드” 버튼을 사용하여 플러그인의 zip 파일을 업로드합니다.
2021년 7월 19일
I was using the free version which worked fine, I just wanted to add the ability to exclude points from selected products. I upgraded to the pro version which caused a fatal error.
I worked out that the conflict was between the free and paid versions (with no help from any support documentation or from the provider). When I remove the free version, it then doesn’t allow customers to view their points and it doesn’t then integrate with Woo Commerce account or apply at checkout so basically what’s the point of having it this way as it cannot be used When you go to the site, there are then many extra plugins you need to buy. Very false and misleading and the supplier then hides behind their refund policy.
First time I have ever had a plugin that works less when paying for a premium product. Spare yourself 12 hours of pain and buy a different plugin
2019년 10월 8일
The support team was very helpful and we found many of their plugins useful..
They offer many other useful plugins, i appreciate this plugin suppliers work and their quick support response.
2019년 5월 15일
답글 1개
This plugin never worked properly from the beginning. After waiting weeks for them to finally look into multiple issues because of a holiday we gave up. We decided to give it one more chance and the plugin had an even more severe issue. You cannot even apply the correct amount of points to your shopping cart. If you have 1000 points that equal up to a $20 you should be able to get your $14 order for free. When applying the points we were getting errors that we can only apply 14 points???
Why because there’s $14 in your shopping cart. That’s not how it’s advertised and obviously not working correctly.
The reason we purchased the premium version was for the premium features which also never worked. We tested other plugins which worked so it was not our website theme that was the issue which they blamed it on. They basically stole this plugin from WooCommerce Rewards and sold it themselves. Just spend the extra money and buy it from WooCommerce.com so you can deal with a non-fraudulent company.
They have been delaying us for weeks and now have to report this to our bank and PayPal.
2019년 5월 8일
After refunding returned shipments, customers get an insane amount of points that they can use for hundreds of euros in discount!
Since they’re giving any support on this plugin anymore i’d strongly recommend not installing it!
2019년 1월 18일
This plugin could have been nice but :
– It says multilingual support : You can translate a few sentences in the admin panel but the majority of labels are directly in the php code. The .po file seems to be useless because I never manage to display one of my tranlations from this file.
– The source code is just bad developped… a lot of duplicate code, no optimisations, no good practice. You can easily apply for more points than you really have.
– 2 customers used their points before I removed the plugin : The first used more points than he really had. The second still had the points he used after his purchase and get the points for the new purchase… so in time he should have more and more points…
– In top of that, the plugin authors refused to refund me because I didn’t let them access to my backoffice and FTP to correct the problems. But I can’t trust them, and if they introduce any other bug I could have lost money… (a better idea is for you to test your work properly / bugs can happen, but this is too much and too critical).
I bought the plugin because it says it has multilingual support which is a lie, for me it is a good enough reason to ask for a refund !
2018년 11월 3일
Need Development but good start.
Small bug : Apply button title pattern=”[a-zA-Z ]*$”
its limited to classic latin letters people may get angry if the site is russian, arabic, espanol or turkish.
기여자 & 개발자
4.1 – 04/03/2020
- 문제 수정
4.0 – 03/03/2020
- 새로운 기능 추가
3.4 – 19/11/2019
- 최신 버전의 워드프레스와 호환
3.3 – 11/11/2019
- 최신 버전의 우커머스 및 워드프레스와 호환 가능
3.2 – 20/09/2019
- 지원 연락처 번호 업데이트
3.1 – 21/08/2019
- 최신 버전의 우커머스 및 워드프레스와 호환 가능
3.0 – 12/08/2019
- 버그 수정. 장바구니와 결제 페이지에서 포인트 알림 메시지를 변경하는 옵션을 추가합니다.
2.4 – 27/02/2019
- 최신 버전의 우커머스 및 워드프레스와 호환 가능
2.3 – 26/12/2018
- 프리미엄 기능 이미지 파일 추가
2.2 – 13/12/2018
- 최신 버전의 우커머스 및 워드프레스와 호환 가능
2.1 – 05/11/2018
- 최신 버전의 woocommerce와 호환되며 새로운 기능이 추가되었습니다.
2.0 – 20/09/2018
- 프리미엄 탭에 프리미엄 버전 기능 추가
1.9 – 07/08/2018
- 최신 버전의 woocommerce와 호환되며 새로운 기능이 추가되었습니다.
1.8 – 13/04/2018
- 최신 버전의 woocommerce와 호환되며 새로운 기능이 추가되었습니다.
1.7 – 10/01/2018
- 페이지 매김 옵션 추가
1.6 – 4/12/2017
- 버그 수정
1.5 – 26/10/2017
- 최신 버전의 woocommerce와 호환되며 새로운 기능이 추가되었습니다.
1.4 – 26/09/2017
- 동영상 튜토리얼 추가
1.3 – 27/09/2017
- 버그 수정
= 1.2 – 2017/6/6
* 버그 수정
1.1 – 4/05/2017
- 버그 수정
- 초기 릴리스.