이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Semantic Shortcode


This plugin used for display shortcode like Button, Divider, Flag, Header, Icon, Image, Input, Label, List, Reveal, Grid, Message, Accordion, Tab, Transition.

This plugin used for lots of shortcode :

  • Button

    1. You can add customize button with size, color, text, link.

    2. You can add animation to button.

  • Divider

    1. You can add horizontal as well as vertical divider.

    2. You can add text between divider.

  • Flag

    1. You can add short-code for flag.
  • 헤더

    1. You can add short-code for header.
  • 아이콘

    1. You can add lots of semantic icons.
  • 이미지

    1. You can add images with lots of frame.

    2. You can add animation to images.

  • Input

    1. You can add input fields with icon.

    2. You can adjust icon placement.

  • 레이블

    1. You can add label with lots of animation.

    2. You can add icon or images with label.

  • 명부

    1. You can add listing with lots of customization.

    2. You can add animation to listing.

  • Reveal

    1. You can add lots of reveal animation.
  • 그리드

    1. You can add grid layout.

    2. You can create structure of site using grid short-code.

  • 메시지

    1. You can add message layout like error message.
  • Accordion

    1. You can add accordion.
  • Tab

    1. You can add nested short-code.
  • Transition

    1. You can add lots of transition effect.

    This plugin used for lots of shortcode :

  • Button

    1. You can add customize button with size, color, text, link.

    2. You can add animation to button.

  • Divider

    1. You can add horizontal as well as vertical divider.

    2. You can add text between divider.

  • Flag

    1. You can add short-code for flag.
  • 헤더

    1. You can add short-code for header.
  • 아이콘

    1. You can add lots of semantic icons.
  • 이미지

    1. You can add images with lots of frame.

    2. You can add animation to images.

  • Input

    1. You can add input fields with icon.

    2. You can adjust icon placement.

  • 레이블

    1. You can add label with lots of animation.

    2. You can add icon or images with label.

  • 명부

    1. You can add listing with lots of customization.

    2. You can add animation to listing.

  • Reveal

    1. You can add lots of reveal animation.
  • 그리드

    1. You can add grid layout.

    2. You can create structure of site using grid short-code.

  • 메시지

    1. You can add message layout like error message.
  • Accordion

    1. You can add accordion.
  • Tab

    1. You can add nested short-code.
  • Transition

    1. You can add lots of transition effect.

A few notes about the sections above:

  • “Contributors” Semantic
  • “Tags” Element, Collections, Modules, Button, Divider, Flag, Header, Icon, Image, Input, Label, List, Reveal, Grid, Message, Accordion, Tab, Transition, shortcode, sematic
  • “Requires at least” 4.0
  • “Tested up to” 4.7


  • This screen backend shortcode document to screenshot-1.png
  • This screen backend editor screen to screenshot-2.png


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload post-shortcodes folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. WordPress의 ‘플러그인’ 메뉴에서 플러그인을 활성화하세요.
  3. Find shortcode icon in tiny editor


How to use shortcode

Admin Dashboard > Plugins > search semantic shortcode click on Plugin Page you get details of all shortcode


이 플러그인에 대한 평가가 없습니다.

기여자 & 개발자

“Semantic Shortcode”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.


자국어로 “Semantic Shortcode”(을)를 번역하세요.

개발에 관심이 있으십니까?

코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.



*Menu of semantic shortcode converted to Submenu,also adding semantic updated css and js version 2.1.7


*This is first version of plugin