Creative Contact Form – You will be surprised by count of all the possible features!
It is packed with a Template Creator wizard to create fanstastic contact forms in a matter of seconds without coding.
Popular form types: Contact Form, Feedback Form, Application Forms, Surveys, Reservation Form, Contact data page.
Useful Links:
Main Fetures:
- All texts are fully customizable. You can controll them throgh wp-admin. No need to modify text files!
- Template-Creator wizard – It is packed with a template-creator wizard to create fantastic forms in a matter of seconds without coding.(PRO version).See Demo
- Flexible field types: name, email, phone, address, url, number, textarea, select, multiple select, checkbox, radio. Captcha, File Upload – PRO version.
- Completely new checkbox, radio selection effect, implemented special for Creative Contsat Form!
- Load countries list (239 countries).
- Flexible and user friendly interface for inputting checkbox,radio/select options.
- Set pre-checked/selected options for checkbox,radio/select types.
- Multiple email recipients, BCC, reply to email, from email
- Ajax based. no page reload!
- Allows page redirect to URL or menu item after sending email!
- Set all fields as required or not!
- Automatically fill in User name and email if logged in.
- Send copy to sender!
- High level Spam protection!
- Drag&Drop reordering for fields, and forms in administration!
- Custom email subject!
- Shake effect if field is not valid.
- 6 beautiful skins. See demo
- Very easy to install and configure!
PRO features:
- Template Creator Wizard!
- Flexible File Upload: Multiple file selection, drag&drop support, costum file types support, customizable validation messages, upload max&min size, etc…
- Captcha support!
- Unlimited forms (1 in free version)!
- Unlimited fields (3 in free version)!
- Multiple forms on same page!
- No Powered By text!
- PRO support!
Other Creative Plugins:
- Creative Image Slider – Powerful WordPress slider! Live Demo
- GSpeech – Speaks any text in your site! Live Demo
IMPORTANT: If you think you found a bug in Creative Contact Form or have any problem or question concerning it, do not hesitate to contact us at info@creative-solutions.net.
Please use
Support Forum for your questions and support requests!
- Upload the entire sexy-contact-form folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or upload the .zip package through Plugins->Add New->Upload.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
You will find ‘Creative Contact Form’ menu in your WordPress admin panel.
Use it and be happy!
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기여자 & 개발자
V 1.0.0 – 27/10/2014
- IMPORTANT: Fixed security bug!
V 0.9.7 – 14/08/2014
- Changed Backlink styles
- Fixed Javascript Bugs.
- Changed allowed count of fields in free version.
- Corrected Template Creator Wizard bugs. Template Creator becomes a PRO feature.
V 0.9.6 – 11/08/2014
- Added white template
- Fixed Javascript Bugs.
V 0.9.4 – 29/11/2013
- Added option Check Token, to enable/disable integrated anti-spam prottection, to avoid Invalid Token errors.
- Added Powered By text.
V 0.9.3 – 15/11/2013
- Shortcode corrections
V 0.9.2 – 04/10/2013
- Made changes in mysql tables structure. Corrected bug with Not NULL values.
V 0.9.1 – 01/10/2013
- Initial release