Allow users to login with Google/Microsoft/Apple accounts. Lightweight, no bloatware packages included.
Useful for sites that need a quick way for their users to sign-in.
Available Options
See all available options and their description on plugin’s settings page. Here are some of them:
* Show/Hide the “Sign In with” button on the login form
* If a user is not already registered, during sign-in an account can be created for that email address (aliases are not allowed by default)
* If a user is already logged in to target social provider, they will be automatically redirected without much fuss
* Restrict users to be coming from only specific domain(s)
* Connect existing user accounts.
* WP-CLI available! See /src/includes/class-wp-cli.php
header for supported list.
* One redirect-back link https://YOURDOMAIN.TLD/_AUTH_RESPONSE_SIWE_
for all providers.
Programmatic access
Public functions:
* siwe_authenticate_user($code, $state, $error = null)
* siwe_get_auth_url()
* siwe_get_buttons()
* dozens of hooks, look into any source file to find out specific part
A) Enter your website “Admin Dashboard > Plugins > Add New” and enter the plugin name
B) Download plugin from WordPress.org, Extract the zip file and upload the container folder to “wp-content/plugins/”
Where can I get a Client ID & Secret for Google?
You will need to sign in to the Google Developer Console
- Go to the API Console.
- From the projects list, select a project or create a new one.
- If the APIs & services page isn’t already open, open the console left side menu and select APIs & services.
- On the left, click Credentials > New > OAuth client ID.
Where can I get a Client ID & Secret for Microsoft ?
These resources would help:
- Azure Portal
- Publisher verification: overview and partner portal
- authentication-oauth-register
- faq – 2fa
Where can I get a Client ID & Secret for Apple ?
These resources would help:
- Developer Center
- How to generate keys
- team id && key id
- Youtube videos: 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
[Apple only] workaround for localhost
Apple Sign In service does not work with
or IP-only domains, so if you develop on local host, so follow below steps:STEP 1
instead oflocalhost
you will need to invent some placeholder domain (anything exceptexample.com
) e.g.site.com
and use that domain instead oflocalhost
in Apple Redirect-Back urls. Then, to redirectsite.com
to your localhost, use either (A) or (B) choice:
– (A) Use redirection extension (like this or others) in browser to redirect queries fromsite.com
, and then jump to STEP 2 below.
– (B) Add virtual local domain name e.g.site.com
) pointing to127.0.0.1
. See the 1-3 lines about “How to setup virtual host”: https://gist.github.com/ttodua/b5f54429c00dad6e052b6ccbda08dcb0#file-readme-md . However, if you are not able to change your wordpress installation domain fromlocalhost
at this moment, then use this code from STEP 2STEP 2
Add this code somewhere (eg. functions.php) to replace the redirect back url for Apple specifically:
add_filter(‘siwe_redirect_back_uri’, function ($url, $provider) { return ($provider === ‘apple’ ? ‘https://site.com/AUTH_RESPONSE_SIWE‘ : $url); }, 10, 2); -
Notes about 3rd party services
- This plugin relies on external services, namely:
- Google Sign In service: View service description and terms. To revise the connected services, visit here.
- Microsoft Identity services: View service description and terms. To revise the connected services, visit here or here
- Apple Sign In services: View service description. To revise the connected services, visite here
- Also uses some composer vendor dependencies, which are beyong our monitoring or control.
- Active plugin development is handled on Github. Bugs and issues will be tracked and handled there.
- account-id based duplicate detection
기여자 & 개발자
“Sign In With Socials (Google, Apple, Microsoft)”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.
- Pushed a completely reorganized version with dozens of changes
- Initial Release (plugin based on https://github.com/tarecord/sign-in-with-google )