Simple Discount Plugin allows you to add a discount badge under product thumbnail on your shop page. You can also show the discount price difference on product pages.
Tested with latest version of Woocommerce
How to use?
Install and activate the plugin and you are good to go!
Suggestion or Bug?
Use the Support tab above to share your suggestions or report a bug.
Upcoming Features
Here are some feature you can expect in upcoming versions
* Badge on Thumbnail
* 5+ new designs
* Custom Product page badge
* More Control on badge text size, text case etc.
* Much more…
Using WordPress Plugin Search –
- Open WordPress admin, go to Plugins, click Add New.
- Enter “Simple Discount Badge for Woocommerce” in search and hit Enter.
- The plugin will show up(with same above logo), click “Install Now”
- Click Activate.
Manually by Uploading-
- Download the latest stable version by clicking download.
- Unzip it and upload to “/wp-content/plugins/”
- Open WordPress admin > Plugins and click “Activate”
- Open Settings > Simple Discount Badge to customize.
Does it has support latest version of woocommerce?
Yes, it works fine on latest version of woocommerce.
How do I hide the default “sale” badge?
You can hide the default “sale” by going to Settings > Simple Discount Badge > Tick the checkbox ‘Hide Default Sale Badge’.
기여자 & 개발자
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** Initial version