

이 플러그인은 2024년 9월 9일(으)로 폐쇄되었고 내려받기가 불가능합니다. 사유: 보안 문제.


2017년 11월 4일
Works as expected, but needs amazon web services to load the script and has a small watermark at the bottom right. I want to have erything from my server, so I’ll pass on that one.
2017년 9월 4일
Incredibly one can’t resize images. If our images are originally too small, the plugin is useless.
2017년 3월 19일
Works just as you seen in the screenshots. There is a small “powered by” or similar tag on the image, if that sort of thing bothers you.
2016년 9월 3일
This is a nice small simple plug-in that does exactly what it is made for, thanks for making it we was looking for this type.
모든 11 평가 읽기

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