Snoobi BV Analytics tracking


This plugin adds Snoobi Analytics code to your website.

You will need a Snoobi Account ID to be able to activate the plugin. If you don’t have a Snoobi Analytics account yet, then request a free trial at the Snoobi Website.

Request a free Snoobi trial version

The settings have the following parameters:

  1. Snoobi account ID, this is your id you received from Snoobi.
  2. Location of tracking code, this sets if you want the tracking code to be placed at the top of the page or at the bottom.
  3. Cookies, here you can select to not let Snoobi use any persistent cookies, or no cookies at all. Note that without cookies, Snoobi will be fully functional, with the exception of detecting repeat visitors.
  4. Anchors, if your website uses html-anchors to navigate on a page, set this ON. Then Snoobi will automatically collect statistics from any anchor-click as well.
    Our advice is to keep this setting ON, which is the default.

This plugin is developed on behalf of Snoobi Technology B.V.


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코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.