이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Social Profile Icons Widget


Easy to use widget to insert customizable social media icons into one of your widget areas. The icons are defined by user, multiple widgets for different user accounts with different stylings are possible.

Customize colors, border-radius and size.


  • Widget settings



  1. Upload the plugin folder to your wordpress plugin folder


  1. Activate the plugin via the “Plugins” menu in your WordPress Backend
  2. In your widgets menu, activate the widget “Social Links”
  3. Update your social media accounts in your user profile “Users” -> “Your Profile”


  1. Chose a widget title, default: “Follow me”
  2. Chose an user to display the social links/icons
  3. Icon Size, Chose a icon size, default: 40px
  4. Border Radius, allows you to add rounded borders, the “angle” is given in px, default: 0
  5. Round icons, check for round icons (Border-radius: 100%)
  6. Monocron style, check if you want your icons be displayed in a configurable color and fade into their branded color on mouse hover.
  7. Monocron background color, pick a color for your icon background color, default: #f5f5f5 (sort of light grey)


How do I set up my social media profiles?
  • Update your social media accounts in your user profile “Users” -> “Your Profile”
  • this allows you multiple widgets for different users
Which platforms are currently supported?
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google Plus
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • Github
  • LinkedIn
  • Xing
  • Twitch
  • Vine
I’m a developer and want to make improvements or additions?

Great! head over to Github.


이 플러그인에 대한 평가가 없습니다.

기여자 & 개발자

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