SoleasPay – Payment gateway for WooCommerce
For more information and updates, visit our website (https://www.soleaspay.com)
- From Dashboard ( WordPress admin )
* Go to Plugins -> Add New
* Search for ‘SoleasPay Payment Gateway for woocommerce’
* Click on Install Now
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
3. Go to WooCommerce settings and configure the SoleasPay payment gateway.
After Plugin Activation
Go to Woocommerce-> Settings-> Payments screen to configure the plugin
Also *you can visit the Official Documentation (https://github.com/MYSOLEAS/soleaspay-plugin-wordpress.git) page for further setup instructions.
Does this plugin support multiple currencies?
Yes, this plugin supports multiple currencies. You can configure them in the payment gateway settings.
Is there any documentation available?
Yes, you can find the documentation on how to use this plugin on [https://github.com/MYSOLEAS/soleaspay-plugin-wordpress.git]
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“SoleasPay payment gateway for WooCommerce”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.
1.1 June 20, 2024
- Updated Checkout page UI to show clearer sender and receiver information
- Updated Woocommerce and WordPress compatibility
1.2 June 21, 2024
- Updated how payment page redirection works on user site
- Cart management system update
- Updated Woocommerce and WordPress compatibility