Sticky Social Icons


Sticky Social Icons is one of the best and probably only plugins that displays social icons into side of your website screen. You can select your favorite social media icons and show it in the website. You can also choose which URL to open on click.

It is a sticky sidebar which means it will stick to the side of the screen, no matter how much you scroll up or down. It also comes with cool animation and tooltip suport.

Sticky Social Icons plugin is really fast, powerful and simple to use. It has been designed to look, feel and work evenly in both larger screen and smaller mobile screens. The plugin’s admin interface is really intuitive. It is easier to use for both experienced and newbie users.

Sticky Social Icons plugin comes preloaded with thousands of popular icons like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, Pinterest and much much more.


  • More than thousands of icons to choose.
  • Supports all free icons of FontAwesome 6.5.
  • Sticky/floating social icons.
  • Choose which page or URL to open on click.
  • Choose if it should open in new tab or same tab.
  • Enable or disable animation.
  • Enable or disable Tool-tip support.
  • Complete control over look and feel of the icons.
  • Change Icon’s size, width, height and colors.
  • Choose which side of the screen to show.

Note: Sticky Social Icons is not a sharing plugin.


  • Sticky Social Icons showing in the left side of the website.
  • Sticky Social Icons showing in the right side of the website.
  • Plugin’s settings page inside wordpress admin panel.
  • Icons selection tab inside plugin’s settings page.
  • User can customize the URL, tooltip label, colors and other features that are visible in the front-end of the website.


  1. Download the plugin .zip file and make note of where on your computer you downloaded it to.
  2. In the WordPress admin ( go to Plugins > Add New or click the “Add New” button on the main plugins screen.
  3. On the following screen, click the “Upload Plugin” button.
  4. Browse your computer to where you downloaded the plugin .zip file, select it and click the “Install Now” button.
  5. After the plugin has successfully installed, click “Activate Plugin” and enjoy!


Which Icon Packages are supported ?

Currently only free version of Font Awesome 5 and Font Awesome 6 is supported. More Icon Package will be added in future updates.

Where can I ask for help ?

You can go to the “Support” section of the plugin in and create a new topic. I will try my best to help you resolve your problem.


2024년 3월 7일
This is the only free plugin that offers twitter X via font awesome latest library.
2023년 2월 14일 답글 1개
It is working but for some reason, after update the plugin does not recognize viber chat link. it wants https :// but the link to viber chat is viber ://
2021년 9월 27일 답글 1개
I installed, added a few accounts, and nothing shows up. Cleared cache, nothing.
2021년 8월 20일 답글 1개
If you have no special and complex needs, this plugin is intuitive, quick to set up and effective. Thanks for the good job.
모든 7 평가 읽기

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  • Bug fixes.


  • Add fontawesome 6.5 icons.
  • Use Roboto fonts in plugin’s settings screen.


  • Add support for WP 6.4.2


  • Add FontAwesome 6 fonts.
  • Optize CSS for smaller screens.
  • Add support for WP 6.0.2


  • Updated to support “tel:” as url prefix.


  • Change icon padding to Icon width and height in admin.
  • Improved CSS animation in front end.


  • Tested upto WP 5.8.


  • Tested upto WP 5.7.2.


  • A fresh start.