

Supawiki migrator: the easy way to migrate data to Supawiki

The official Supawiki plugin allows you to export your WordPress data in a JSON format that can be imported by Supawiki.

Features overview

The Supawiki migrator plugin will export as much blog and publication data as it can into a clean set of exported files.

  • Posts, pages, tags and authors are all automatically exported and recreated for Supawiki;
  • Tags will be migrated, but not categories. If needed you can convert your categories to tags before exporting;
  • Supawiki does not have built-in comments;
  • No custom fields, meta, shortcodes, post types, taxonomies or binary files will be migrated. Just regular posts, pages, tags and images;
  • Passwords are not migrated – after importing to Supawiki, each user may perform a password reset to gain access to their Supawiki account.

Docs & Support

You can find docs and more detailed information about Supawiki on

Further Reading

For more information about Supawiki and for help about getting started with the platform, check out:


  1. Use the Add New Plugin in the WordPress admin area
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Access the exporter functionality under Tools -> Export to Supawiki


How do I use this?

Install it, then go to Tools -> Export to Supawiki.


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  • Review

Fixed security issues appointed by the plugin reviewers.


  • Initial implementation

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2024 Supawiki – Released under the GNU General Public License.