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Aurora Heatmap
(8 전체 평점)Beautiful like an aurora! A simple WordPress heatmap that can be completed with just a plugin.
ミエルカヒートマップ タグマネージャー
(0 전체 평점)無料で使えるヒートマップツール、ミエルカヒートマップのタグ設置が簡単にできるプラグインです。 This is the plugin to introduce the tag of the free heatmap service "Mieruca Heatmap" easy.
User Insight WordPress Plugin
(0 전체 평점)ヒートマップ対応アクセス解析ツールUser InsightのWordPressプラグインです。簡単な設定ですぐにUser Insightでデータを計測できるようになります。
Webmaster.Net SEO Post Quality Analyzer – Quickly Find Low Quality Posts
(2 전체 평점)Webmaster.Net Post Quality Analyzer is a simple lite-weight plugin to analyze the quality of your posts.
(0 전체 평점)Empower your blog with insights and understand what users are doing during their visit.