[플러그인 태그:] event booking
이벤트프라임 – 이벤트 캘린더, 예약 및 티켓
(50 전체 평점)무료 또는 유료 이벤트를 만들기 위한 최신 이벤트 캘린더 플러그인 ❤️. 이벤트 유형, 예약, 티켓, 장소, 공연자 등을 지원합니다.
Appointment & Event Booking Calendar Plugin – Webba Booking
(116 전체 평점)Webba Booking is the most versatile and easy-to-use appointment & event booking plugin. Accept, get paid and manage your schedule online.
Quick Event Manager
(66 전체 평점)Simple event manager. No messing about, just add events and a shortcode and the plugin does the rest for you.
Calenso Booking Integration
(0 전체 평점)Unique appointment scheduling with Calenso: The essential WordPress plugin!
Awesome Event Booking
(2 전체 평점)You can now easily create events, accept bookings and manage these with our powerful Event Booking plugin.
WP Booking
(1 전체 평점)This is a booking plugin with very easy to use admin panel. Create schedules and let users register for that.