[플러그인 태그:] post
WP Post Branches
(4 전체 평점)WP Post Branches will create a private branch of an post in public. When you publish a branch, overwrite the original post.
NS Featured Posts
(24 전체 평점)A plugin for making posts, pages, or custom post types featured. Users can enable/disable Featured flags for selected post types.
(21 전체 평점)This is a fork of cformsII, a highly customizable, flexible and powerful form builder plugin, covering a variety of use cases and features.
HeadSpace2 SEO
(9 전체 평점)Controls almost every aspect of your site's meta-data, including advanced tagging, Analytics, and dozens of plugins. The best WordPress SEO solu …
Admin Collapse Subpages
(20 전체 평점)Using this plugin one can easily collapse/expand pages with children and grand children.
Custom Shortcodes
(1 전체 평점)Manage custom fields using the insert shortcodes or HTML comment in text of post.
Require Featured Image
(16 전체 평점)Requires content you specify to have a featured image set before they can be published.
Remove noreferrer
(13 전체 평점)"Remove noreferrer" automatically removes rel="noreferrer" attribute from links on your website on-the-fly.
W4 Post List
(93 전체 평점)W4 Post List lets you create a list of posts, terms, users or a combined one. Decorate output using shortcodes. It's just easy and fun.
SEO Auto Linker
(16 전체 평점)SEO Auto Linker assists in creating cornerstone SEO content. This is not a full replacement for SEO plugins.
DX Delete Attached Media
(28 전체 평점)Automatically deletes attached media from posts and custom post types added via the Media button.
Category Sticky Post
(24 전체 평점)Mark a post to be placed at the top of a specified category archive. It's sticky posts specifically for categories.
Autoremove Attachments
(15 전체 평점)Remove child attachments when parent post, page or custom post type is deleted.
Better REST API Featured Images
(11 전체 평점)Adds a top-level field with featured image data including available sizes and URLs to the post object returned by the REST API.
Embed Iframe
(5 전체 평점)Allows the insertion of code to display an external webpage within an iframe.