[플러그인 태그:] Single Sign-on
소셜 공유, 소셜 로그인 및 소셜 댓글 플러그인 – 수퍼 소셜라이저
(678 전체 평점)귀하의 웹사이트에서 소셜 로그인, 소셜 공유, 소셜 댓글 및 소셜 미디어를 통합할 수 있는 고유한 소셜 플러그인
Login by Auth0
(17 전체 평점)Login by Auth0 provides improved username/password login, Passwordless login, Social login and Single Sign On for all your sites.
SAML Single Sign On – SSO Login
(266 전체 평점)WordPress SAML Single Sign On ( SAML SSO ) login with Okta, Azure B2C, Azure AD, ADFS, Keycloak, Salesforce, Ping, Onelogin, Google Apps, Shibboleth, …
(13 전체 평점)This plugin provides single sign-on via SAML and gives users one-click access to their WordPress accounts from identity providers like OneLogin.
OAuth Single Sign On – SSO (OAuth Client)
(248 전체 평점)WordPress SSO (Single Sign On) with Azure, Azure B2C, Cognito, Okta, Classlink, Discord, Clever, Keycloak, many OAuth & OpenID Providers [24/7 SUP …
Login using WordPress Users ( WP as SAML IDP )
(52 전체 평점)Single sign on (SSO) login with WordPress Users into any Service Provider like Tableau, Thinkific, Zoom, Moodle LMS, Canvas LMS, Absorb LMS, TalentLMS
Tim's Nextcloud SSO OAuth2
(8 전체 평점)Enables you to login to your WordPress site with your Nextcloud account with OAuth2
WP Login and Register using JWT
(3 전체 평점)WordPress login (WordPress Single Sign-On) using JWT token obtained from other WordPress sites or applications. Synchronize user sessions between your …
Cloud SAML SSO – Single Sign On Login
(2 전체 평점)WordPress SSO using your SAML identity provider to enable single sign on using Azure AD, Office 365, Okta, Azure B2C, ADFS, KeyCloak, OneLogin, Salesf …
Multisite Multidomain Single Sign On
(9 전체 평점)Avoid having to separately sign in to separate-domain sites of the same multisite installation!
Single Sign-On – Professional SSO solution for WordPress
(1 전체 평점)Single Sign-On is a professional SSO extension that works accross different domains, servers and websites. Installed in just a few minutes.
Cassava CAS Server
(2 전체 평점)Cassava provides authentication services based on the Jasig CAS protocol.
i4a Single Sign-On
(0 전체 평점)Allows a bidirectional single sign-on between a WordPress website and an i4a-hosted website for current members who can sign in to either the WordPres …
EZPZ SAML SP Single Sign On (SSO)
(1 전체 평점)athens, sso, okta, onelogin, simplesamlphp Donate link: http://www.ezpzsp.com Requires at least: 4.9.8 Tested up to: 6.6.2 Requires PHP: 7.
Single Sign-On into TalentLMS User Sync Integration
(1 전체 평점)TalentLMS Integration with WordPress for Single Sign-On (SSO) login for users via WordPress, and TalentLMS user sync from WordPress to TalentLMS.
Header Login
(0 전체 평점)Allow a user to be automatically logged into WordPress if their headers are present and valid.
WebshopLogin Single Sign On
(1 전체 평점)Login with one account using an existing account from eg. Facebook, Paypal or Google or from one of the many connected webshops.