[플러그인 태그:] user profile
User Allowed IP Addresses
(1 전체 평점)Simple plugin that gives the ability to restrict login access to specific IP addresses for specific users. Option to Auto Login user based on IP.
WP Profile Builder
(0 전체 평점)With the WP Profile Builder plugin you can create user profile template layout. User can update and check others user profile from front-end.
Profile Links
(0 전체 평점)Adds links to the top of the user profile page for each of the sections in the profile.
User Profile Fields
(2 전체 평점)Allows site owners to remove fields from the "User Profile" admin screen
Default Media Library View
(1 전체 평점)Adds a media library default view selection to the user profile page.
(0 전체 평점)Set custom AVATAR (User Profile Image) and store avatars into Database as base64 string.
User Social Fields
(0 전체 평점)A simple way to add social networking links to your user profiles and display any where on your site with shortcode.
Edit Profile Fields
(0 전체 평점)Create, show, hide and delete custom contact info fields on your users profiles.
Custom Login/Register Fields
(0 전체 평점)Custom Login/Register Fields allows you to add custom fields to the WordPress registration forms with an easy drag-and-drop interface.
User Avatar Generator
(0 전체 평점)Create customizable avatars for your WordPress site with various facial features, styles, and background colors.
Connect ProfilePress and Discord
(0 전체 평점)Sell private access to your discord server, and assign discord roles as per the membership level of the users.
(0 전체 평점)Easily calculate and log your workout routines from popular strength training programs or create your own.
Username Update
(0 전체 평점)The "Username Update" plugin enhances the default username editing functionality in WordPress by providing an additional feature to send an …
Describr – User Profile and Profile Photo Plugin
(0 전체 평점)The best plugin for user profiles. Describr adds data fields and profile photo functionality to user profiles.