A set of useful widgets created for adding more fluid content to any theme. Especially designed for responsive themes. Also has a very useful shortcode for using some of the functionality inside a post or page. The plugin adds a set of new widgets, including:
- Show Posts Widget – for showing posts excerpts, thumbs and post formats.
- Show Pages Widget” – Shows thumbs/excerpts of child pages of defined parent page.
- flickr Widget – Show flickr thumbs
- Twitter Widget – show your latest tweets
- Facebook Widget – show your facebook page feed without slowing your site down and in a responsive way!
And also adds a powerful shortcode for using the show posts/pages functionality in a post or page.
[los_showposts post_type=”posts” columns=”3″ content=”true” heading=”true” cat_id=”” num_posts=”3″ ]
Shortcode Parameters
- Attribute – Description Values
- post_type – Type of query “pages” or “posts”
- cat_id – Category ID for posts e.g. “23”
- exclude_cats – post categories ids to exclude e.g. “23,170,9”
- num_posts – Number of items to show e.g. “5?
- columns – Number of columns to layout “1”, “2”, “3” or “4”
- heading – Show headings “true” or “false”
- author – Show author link “true” or “false”
- tags – Show tags “true” or “false”
- categories – Show categories “true” or “false”
- thumbs – Show Post thumbnails “true” or “false”
- dates – Show Post Dates “true” or “false”
- content – Show post/page excerpt “true” or “false”
- parent_id – When showing pages, show children of this parent page. e.g. “34”
- thumbsize – Image size to use use “widget” or “gallery”
- entrytag – Heading tag for each item e.g. “h3”
- post_formats – Show post format icons “true” or “false”
- post_class – CSS class string to use for each item default is “los-custom-post”
- show_sticky – Set to “1” to enable sticky posts function, “0” is deafult (i.e. sticky is ignored)
기타 정보
For further information see ThemeLoom
- to Andrew Kurtis for Spanish language files
- Upload the contents of zip file to the
directory - 워드프레스의 ‘플러그인’ 메뉴에서 플러그인을 활성화하세요.
- The new set of widgets will be available in Appearance->Widgets
for further information see ThemeLoom
- Installation Instructions
- Upload the contents of zip file to the
directory - 워드프레스의 ‘플러그인’ 메뉴에서 플러그인을 활성화하세요.
- The new set of widgets will be available in Appearance->Widgets
- Upload the contents of zip file to the
기여자 & 개발자
- fixed facebook like count not showing
- fixed for new facebook api version
- updated deprecated functions
- fixed margin on mobile columns
- fixed links in fb feed
- fixed missing fields in fb feed
- fixed issue with api 2.4
- Updated to latest facebook api
- Added page feed option to show all or only Page’s posts in feed
- Now clears cache on widget save
- Cache expire period now editable in widget
- Added Spanish language files (thanks to Andrew Kurtis)
- Small fix for Facebook widget
- Added option to exclude post categories and a exclude_cats shortcode parameter.
- Added a Facebook widget using Graph API
- Switched Twitter widget to use new API. Now requires api keys.
- First release.