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Timeline Express – Single Column Add-On


Timeline Express – Single Column Add-On extends Timeline Express, and enables a new shortcode parameter single-column.

When set to 1 (eg: [timeline-express single-column="1"]), the timeline will display in a single column – similar to the default Timeline Express mobile view.

Basic Usage

If you want to set a timeline to single column you can add the ‘single-column’ parameter to the [timeline-express] shortcode and set it to 1.

[timeline-express single-column=”1″]



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1.1.0 – September 10th, 2017

  • Updates to the styles for Timeline Express Pro v2 compatibility.
  • Updates to the shortcode generator fields.
  • Updates to the automation tasks.
  • Reverted container styles back to the original, to maintain consistency.
  • Tweak icon styles for free/pro compatibility.

1.0.4 – October 20th, 2016

  • Tweak front end styles.

1.0.3 – September 16th, 2016

  • Re-factored the base plugin check.
  • Bump ‘Tested up to’ version.

1.0.2 – August 10th, 2016

  • Tweak responsive styles, prevented overflow of containers outside parent div.

1.0.1 – June 19th, 2016

  • Tweak styles to work with free version as well as pro version of Timeline Express.

1.0 – June 17th, 2016

  • Initial release of the single column add-on for Timeline Express.