U.S. Debt Clock Widget


This plugin creates a widget displaying the most recently available amount of the U.S. National Debt. Data is retrieved from treasurydirect.gov and a source link can optionally be displayed.

Want to help make this plugin better? Pull requests are welcome.


  • The widget front-end display
  • The widget options configuration display


  1. Upload the us-debt-clock-widget folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the U.S. Debt Clock Widget plugin through the Plugins menu in the WordPress dashboard
  3. Add the widget to an available widget area and configure the display options


2024년 11월 18일 답글 6개
This is both useful and easy to configure. My only suggestion would be to allow more formatting so that you can match or deviate from your website default.
모든 3 평가 읽기

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코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.



  • Fix: use newer Treasury debt feed and info URLs, as they did not redirect the old ones.


  • Fix: catch undefined variable scenario
  • Improvement: additional code standards and formatting updates


  • Fix: change data source from treasury.io to treasurydirect.gov
  • Improvement: code style and formatting


  • Fix: unfortunate math error that had debt displaying as billions, not trillions, h/t Scott Cooper


  • Fix: error in get_debt logic that was preventing successful data from being returned
  • Fix: update widget registration to work with recent versions of WordPress
  • Improvement: Update code formatting and escaping to better adhere to WordPress coding standards
  • Improvement: Delete transient when plugin is deactivated


  • Improvement: Handle invalid data from treasury.io more gracefully


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