Integrator for Slack posts WooCommerce or WordPress customer events to a Slack channel. Register, Login, Update Details and Update Address currently supported. More events will be added as required.
To set up this plugin you will need to create a Slack APP and an Incoming Slack WebHook. See: Incoming Webhooks for Slack
Post your own messages
Add hooks to your own functions.php
file and send messages to Slack with wc_slack_message("Hello World")
Post interactive messages
Post interactive messages with detailed context with wc_slack_message($message, $attachements, $channel)
Coming Soon
Send a slack message from any WordPress hook. We are working on a the ability to select configure a slack message from ANY hook/action in your site.
Can the plugin post to multiple slack organizations
No. The plugin accepts only one Incoming Webhook from Slack and will be limited to the channels available to that webhook.
Can the plugin post to multiple slack channels
That depends on your Slack account. The plugin accepts only one Incoming Webhook from Slack and will be limted to the channels available to that webhook.
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기여자 & 개발자
“Integrate WordPress or WooCommerce with Slack”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.
- switched to using kerkness/kore-wp library for common functions
- re-factor prefix and removal of test methods
- Banner and Readme Updates
- Initial release.
- Supports messages on Customer creation and update events.