WMF Theme Switcher


You can install Webbu Mobile Framework Theme Switcher (WMF Theme Switcher) plugin into your desktop website and choose another theme for mobile devices without affecting your desktop theme.

Detects all the Mobile Browsers and loads the mobile theme per your settings done in the admin.

  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • Android
  • Windows Mobile
  • Blackberry
  • Other Tablet Browsers
  • Other Mobile Browsers

You can select a different mobile theme for each mobile browser. You can select different mobile themes for each of the options above.

Webbu Mobile Framework Theme Switcher using Mobile Detect library to detect devices.


  • Settings screen
  • Settings screen



  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wmf-theme-switcher directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings -> WMF Theme Switcher screen to configure the plugin


Does it detect all browsers?

Yes, it detects all mobile and tablet browsers.

Can i place Switch to Desktop/Mobile link in my theme?

Yes, you can manually trigger by using links.

What is different than other theme switchers?

WMF Theme Switcher, having ability to disable selected plugins while switching themes and it switch faster.


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