이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Direct Checkout Button for WooCommerce


Direct Checkout Button for WooCommerce plugin will help you to change “add to cart” to “buy now” button. If you want to increase your sales then you can use this plugin.

Direct Checkout button for Woocommerce helps you to speed up and make Woocommerce checkout easy. Your shoppers won’t have to go through the boring process of the shopping cart page. The “Add to Cart” button will take them straight to the checkout page. This will quicken the process of purchase for your online shoppers and give you great conversion rates.

Simplified and Quick checkout process

Direct Checkout Button for Woocommerce simplifies the checkout process a lot. The shopping cart page is a lengthy and troublesome process. Users can easily get to the checkout page and have a happy time shopping. This will help you enhance the user experience and also retain customers.

Add to cart Ajax

Direct Checkout Button For WooCommerce also includes Add to cart ajax. You can now redirect users to include individual products, virtual products, grouped products without having to reload the website every time.

Checkout Fields removed

Shoppers should always have a quick and hassle-free shopping experience. With the Direct Checkout Button For Woocommerce removes every unnecessary field that might make the checkout process lengthy. Comments, terms, and conditions, policy and other annoying fields that might cause irritation to users.

Checkout in one page

Buying anything should be quick and hassle-free. Going through two or three pages is annoying for the user and might result in no conversion or transaction. Direct Checkout Button for Woocommerce makes it possible that you can fulfill your transaction within one page. With this plugin, you get more conversions and less dropped sessions.

Why you need a special Woocommerce Direct Checkout Button like ours

Your eCommerce business depends a lot on your understanding of your user experience. No customer wants to be stuck at the shopping center in a line. That is why they prefer an online shop. But when your customers are stuck on the shopping cart page, that frustrates the users quite a bit. So our button can ease that process by totally eliminating the shopping cart page entirely. That is why you should go for a button such as this.


  • Front end display
  • Admin Settings


This section describes how to install the WooCommerce Direct Checkout Button plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload direct-checkout-button-for-woocommerce.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. You can do this using ‘Upload’ functionality provided in plugins section of your wordpress dashboard
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. You are done.


What does Direct Checkout Button for Woocommerce do?

Direct Checkout Button for Woocommerce lets you make your transaction process easy for customers. This plugin helps you skip the shopping cart page and arrive right at the checkout page with a single click.

Are there any Woocommerce Direct Checkout plugins?

Yes, there are quite a few plugins for direct checkout. One of them is Direct Checkout Button for Woocommerce. This button lets you skip the shopping cart page with one click and arrive at the checkout page and lets you finish your transaction.

Does Direct Checkout Button for Woocommerce enhance the user experience?

Payment is a very important part of online shopping. If the loading and other aspects take too much time then users and visitors won’t shop on the site again. The shopping cart page can irritate users a lot. Direct Checkout Button for Woocommerce plugin helps to finish transactions and checkout quite easily. This enhances the user experience immensely

Is there any loading issue with the Direct Checkout Button for Woocommerce?

There is no loading issue with the Direct Checkout Button for Woocommerce. There is Add to Cart Ajax with the plugin and this enables the user to add products without reloading or loading each page. This improves the experience immensely.

Does Direct Checkout Button for Woocommerce enable a one-page checkout?

Direct Checkout Button for Woocommerce enables the user to get to the checkout page straightaway. It eliminates any unnecessary fields and lets the user finish the transaction in just one page.


2020년 10월 20일
Perfect! fast and easy
2020년 7월 7일
This plugin does exactly what it says. It adds Buy now button. And it works. I needed some simple solution and I tried other plugins but you need pro version in most cases. At the end, I wrote my own shortcode for this in custom theme but I wouldn’t be able to do it without this plugin. Thank you
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Plug-in is now compatible upto wordpress version 5.2