이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Halk Bank Payment Gateway For Woocommerce – not functional after 15.03.2024


Notice of Code Deprecation
Due to change in the hash version, we regret to inform you that the code within this plugin will no longer be functional after 15.03.2024.

Requires: WooCommerce 2.1+

This plugin allows your store to make payments via Halk Bank payment service.


  1. Be sure you’re running WooCommerce 2.1+ in your shop.
  2. You can: (1) upload the entire halk-bank-payment-woocommerce folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, (2) upload the .zip file with the plugin under Plugins > Add New > Upload
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  4. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments and select “Halk Bank Payment” to configure.
  5. Make sure you fill in all Halk Bank fields.


What is the text domain for translations?

The text domain is halk-payment-gateway-for-woocommerce.


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Dali ima plan plaginot da se napravi funkcionalen povtorno so novite promeni od halkbank ili nema da se sluci toa?
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기여자 & 개발자

“Halk Bank Payment Gateway For Woocommerce – not functional after 15.03.2024”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.



1.2 Add live/test mode. Add transaction type.
1.1.1 Clean some code.
1.1 Add filter support for currency switcher. Filter name halk_amount_fix
Example for EUR to MKD
add_filter( ‘halk_amount_fix’, ‘switch_currencies’ );
function switch_currencies( $amount ) {
return number_format( $amount * 61.5, 2, ‘.’, ” );
1.0.1 Fix bug with older versions
1.0 Initial version.