We would like to present you the best plugin for Woocommerce. For a long time we have used this solution for our clients and we have often received favourable comments about our shops. We belive that this look matches the every website. Therefore, we decided to make it possible for everyone to use it.
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See how it works: WooCommerce – example
How does it work?
Our plugin adds a specially code which adds the option to change variants by changing the image in the gallery.
- From the WordPress menu, select ‘Plugins’ and then ‘Add New’.
- Select ‘Send plugin to server’.
- Click the ‘Browse’ button and select the .zip file with the plugin.
- Click the ‘Install’ button and then activate the plugin.
- Installation Instructions
- From the WordPress menu, select ‘Plugins’ and then ‘Add New’.
- Select ‘Send plugin to server’.
- Click the ‘Browse’ button and select the .zip file with the plugin.
- Click the ‘Install’ button and then activate the plugin.
- What is needed for this plug-in?
This plugin is an extension to WooCommerce.
- How to use the plugin?
The plugin works after being turned on, however if you have, for example, colours and sizes, and the size is not set to “Any SIZE”. You must add the name of the attribute you want to exclude from the changes in the panel.
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개발에 관심이 있으십니까?
The first stable version.