Woo Variations Style Buttons Demo.
Video Documentation:
Adding a button in a single product page :
Add color swatches, images or text buttons to your variable products. Highly customizable options to match your shop’s colors and style.
Woocommerce Variations Style Buttons are more friendly than dropdown selects. This plugin will help you have a better UX in your WooCommerce site, as your customers will see all your variations without having to click on a dropdown.
Features of this plugin
- Advanced settings panel.
- Unique settings for each Variations.
- Unlimited different styles for Variations.
- Very lightweight.
- Support all modern browsers.
- Easy to use.
- Logo hover effect enable/disable.
- Many more…
Theme Compatibility
This plugin may not work out of the box with some themes. This is due to a theme having its own template for variation selection (single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php). Please create child theme or re-name (yourtheme/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php)
More amazing features available in Pro version.
Important Notes
If you are looking for more options then check out the pro version of the plugin.
For Quick support please check WP
Responsive menu Support forum.
Install Unlimited Background Slider just like any other WordPress plugin.
[Installing Plugins] (https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins)
After successfully installing and activating the plugin, you will find “Logo Carousel” menu on left column of WordPress dashboard. To add a logo, go to Logo Carousel >> Add New Logo. Configure any options as desired using “Settings” page. Then use shortcode [ed-logo id=’5′] to display the logo carousel slider.
None. Yet.
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Initial Beta Release= 1.0 =
* Initial release