이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Fix Media Library


Fix Media Library fixes inconsistency between wp-content/uploads folder and
Fixes corrupted Media Library database records.
Designed to run smoothly against huge Media Libraries containing hundreds of thousands of images.

Useful when:

  • Really old database is used and there are a lot of problems with Media Library found
  • New thumbnail sizes are registered
  • Some thumbnail sizes are not used anymore (theme change, upgrade), but image files are still exists
  • There are Media Library entries present pointing to image files that don’t exist anymore
  • Some entries in Media Library are not displayed, while image files are present (_wp_attachment_metadata meta field corrupted)
  • There are a lot of images in wp-content/uploads folder that are no longer used
  • There are duplicate attachments pointing to the same image file
  • Images are used by website, but you can’t find them in Media Library
  • You want to update attachments GUID fields containing old/staging urls
  • Detects major database corruptions affecting media library functionality

At WowPress.host company we regularly migrate very old databases and clean it up to make sure website using it is running smoothly. Those databases have all different kinds of inconsistencies collected during years or even decades of usage, and Media Library is the most common problematic piece of data here.
That plugin helps to solve most common problems related to Media Library data.

We use a lot of open-source tools in our work, and therefore decided publish our own tools so that those can be used by the community too.

Need Help? Found A Bug? Want To Contribute Code?

Support for this plugin is provided via the WordPress.org forums.

The source code for this plugin is available on GitHub.

Paid support at WowPress.host.


  • Configuration page
  • Progress running


  1. Go to your admin area and select Plugins Add New from the menu.
  2. Search for “Fix Media Library”.
  3. Click install.
  4. Click activate.
  5. Navigate to Tools Fix Media Library.


2023년 8월 2일
After using several plugins to fix my media library this one just did everything in one go! Was having trouble with srcset images not being shown and I figured it had to do with some corruption in the Media Library. It did and this plugin fixed it easily! Thank you so much for saving me hours and hours of work! PS: Please consider updating this plugin as it is such a useful tool 🙂
2022년 9월 28일
You are always taking a risk when using an old plugin (in my case FOUR years old and 3 major WP core updates behind the curve). Still, the reviews looked good and I had hundreds of broken links from deleted files from an image plugin that didn’t completeduring its table updates before crashing. I hadn’t noticed the crash until a few weeks later when I had hundreds of empty squares in my media library. After taking backups, I did a non-destructive dry run, which ran successfully and found all the hundreds of broken links. I then used the “Delete attachments pointing to missing image file” option and it cleared everything in one go. I am so very grateful for this plugin and wonder why it isn’t in the core of WP as deleting files using FTP for example is very easily done. Anyway, thank you for this plugin.
2021년 9월 16일
I searched for a very long time to find an easy solution to remove broken WooCommerce Product images if the image missing from the server from wp-content/uploads directory. This plugin has a “Delete attachments pointing to missing image file” function, it does the job very well.
2021년 8월 30일
Listen, this plugin is a lifesaver. I certainly hope it’s not abandoned, it’s just too useful. Wordpress was refusing to process thumbnails for some of my manually uploaded images because they were just too big. Even WP-CLI refused to deal with them. This plugin has come through in my time of need.
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Version 2.0

Correctly process attachments stored without subfolders, like year/month.
Don’t fail on folders with corrupted-charset characters in filename.
Handle _wp_attachment_backup_sizes metadata – remove on regeneration, ignore on weak references check

Perform basic database structure check

Version 1.0

Initial release.