

이 플러그인은 2023년 10월 25일(으)로 폐쇄되었고 내려받기가 불가능합니다. 이 폐쇄는 영구적입니다. 사유: 작성자 요청.


2017년 1월 3일
Doesn’t create its own attachment type, just allows to better administrate the existing wordpress attachments, exactly what I wanted, thanks very much !
2016년 12월 18일
Plugin is awesome, exactly what I needed for my project
2016년 9월 7일
Excellent plugin. Full customable. Developer Oriented. I just want to comment that the documentation could be a little bit better. Congrats!
2016년 9월 3일
This plug in works as expected- Perfectly! Well, almost perfectly. After uploading a document, one has to put the required shortcode [wpba-attachment-list] in the post edit window in order to display the attachment on the page view. To work around this and make sure that attachments show up automatically, except when there are none, I put the following code in the ‘content-single.php’ template: <?php echo do_shortcode('[wpba-attachment-list open_new_window="true" no_attachments_msg=" "]'); ?>
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