이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.



WP-CFM lets you copy database configuration to / from the filesystem. Easily deploy configuration changes without needing to copy the entire database. WP-CFM is similar to Drupal’s Features module.

How will WP-CFM benefit me?

  • Less need to copy over the entire database.
  • No more rushing to figure out which settings you forgot to change.
  • Easily track and version configuration changes via git, subversion, etc.

Which data does WP-CFM support?

  • WP settings (wp_options table)
  • Multisite settings (wp_sitemeta table)
  • Taxonomy terms
  • Custom Field Suite field groups


  • Bundle – A group of (one or more) settings to track
  • Push – Export database settings to the filesystem
  • Pull – Import file-based settings into the database


WP-CFM supports [pull / push / diff] of bundles from the command-line using WP-CLI:

wp config pull [bundle_name]
wp config push [bundle_name]
wp config diff [bundle_name]
wp config bundles
wp config show_bundle [bundle_name]

You can optionally set bundle_name to “all” to include all bundles.

Append the --network flag to include multisite bundles.


See the filters reference page at the GitHub Wiki.


  • The admin management interface
  • Editing a configuration “bundle”
  • Diff viewer to track changes within a bundle


  1. Download and activate the plugin.
  2. Browse to Settings > WP-CFM to configure.


2021년 4월 11일
Great plugin guys! Makes life so much easier. One request: would it be possible to add an ajax search field to search wp_options? Finding the right option can be difficult on sites with lots of wp_options entries.
2020년 3월 24일
This plugin, especially in terms of exporting and importing various Woocommerce settings and Woocommerce Addons, this plugin is so so useful.
2016년 9월 3일
Awesome plugin for tracking configuration in version control. I auto import bundles in my test and live environments when deploying from development which saves me a ton of time from having to make the same configuration updates over and over.
2016년 9월 3일 답글 5개
Great plugin, works as advertised. I’m using the plugin to deploy settings and keep them under version control. If it could just save advanced custom fields and page/sub-page structure it would be essential on any site
모든 9 평가 읽기

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:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Assets: Fixes missing asset updates (PR #177 by @timnolte)
    • :arrow_lower_right: fixes issue #176 opened by @tych095

See the previous changelogs here