WP Discord Invite


Create a vanity URL to your Discord Server in your WP Domain.

The plugin creates a URL <your_site_url>/<what_ever_you_want_here> which redirects to the invite link specified in WP-Admin.

The plugin also creates a rich embed when sent in Discord and other social media.

It has awesome Embed Preview to see how the embeds will look like.

This plugin can send webhook to Discord when the link is clicked.

It has an awesome link click counter and other simple stats.

Official Documentation at SMR Docs.

Disclaimer: This plugin or this plugin’s developer does not have any kind of affiliation with Discord Inc.
The word Discord and it’s respective logo’s are registered trademarks of Discord Inc.

Logo crafted with love by Dawn Saju


  • Image showing rich embed in Discord
  • Image showing rich embed in WhatsApp Web
  • Image showing the admin area settings page
  • Image showing the admin area settings page with open color picker
  • Image showing the admin area settings page embed preview
  • Image showing the admin area count page
  • Image showing the menu item in admin menu


How is this plugin useful to me?

You can use this plugin to create a vanity URL for your Discord Server in your own domain which runs WP.

How do I use this?

Just install the plugin and activate it in wp-admin. Then click Discord Invite in the sidebar of your admin menu and set the variables. You can get the info about variables in the help page of the plugin in the admin page.

Where can I get help?

You can ask for help in WordPress Plugin Support Page.


2022년 3월 2일
Could you please add a feature so that only customers can see the invite link? this will be very useful!
2021년 6월 13일 답글 3개
Nice Plugin, was working a day ago, but it is not working now.
모든 7 평가 읽기

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WP Version Upgrade


Bug fixes


Major bug fixes: Discord Login issue fixed, webhook not getting posted fixed, other bugs fixed.


New features: You can now create webhook using Discord OAuth. Bug fixes. Help Page removed.


New feautres: You can now customize the /discord URL to what ever you want, help menu added next to each fields for easy access.


Bug fixes.


New features: Click counter and simple stats, webhook.


Initial stable version.