이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

워드프레스용 프런트 엔드 편집기



  • Draft and edit posts.
  • Autosaves. Just publish when you’re done.
  • Contextual tools. Bold, italic, strikethrough, link, headings, lists and blockquote.
  • Add media with the WordPress media library.
  • Handy shortcuts for lists (*, – or 1.), blockquote (>) and horizontal rule (—).
  • Automatically embed media from this list. Just paste the URL.
  • You can also link text by just pasting the URL over it.
  • Add a featured image, if your theme supports it.

Configure and extend

This plugin is designed to be “plug and play”, but also configurable and extensible.

Toolbars and buttons

You can add more buttons to any of the toolbars with the following filters:

  • fee_toolbar_caret for the caret,
  • fee_toolbar_inline for normal selections,
  • fee_toolbar_block for block selections.


add_filter('fee_toolbar_inline', function($buttons){
  return array_merge($buttons, array('subscript'));

당신은 별도의 CSS와 JS를 제공해야 할 수도 있습니다. TinyMCE와 함께 도구 모음 단추를 추가하는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 Codex page TinyMCE 문서를 보십시오.

Linking to the editor

웹사이트 어디에서나 관리자에게 연결되는 편집 링크를 사용하여 편집기에 연결할 수 있으며 플러그인에 의해 선택됩니다. edit_post_link와 유사합니다.

Custom Post Types Support

add_post_type_support( 'page', 'front-end-editor' );

REST API도 지원하는지 확인하십시오.


특정 게시물에 대해서 편집기를 사용하지 않으려면, supports_fee 필터를 사용합니다.

// Disable for the post with ID 1.
add_filter('supports_fee', function($supports, $post) {
  return $post->ID !== 1;
}, 10, 2);


2023년 10월 4일
This may have in part been abandoned in favor of Gutenberg, but I would like to politely beg that this be updated to work without having to install the old REST API plugin. And perhaps review the code and update anything else that needs a refresh. I understand that many may not see a point. If you have to edit a post, edit it in the back-end. Or, there are a couple of other front-end editing options. But, I have a minimal website (all text) and I want members to be able to edit their plain text posts from the front-end. This works extremely well for that. I should add that I also use a minimal, non-full-site editing theme. I'm sure that helps as I assume this may not work with new block type themes. Please, if the original author cannot due to other more important projects, could someone adopt this?
2021년 3월 17일
So, this simple plugin allows you to easily edit standard 'posts' on the front end by adding content. Mostly paragraphs, bullet lists, images, etc. All the standard stuff that you may want in a post. BUT it does it on the front end without having to go into the posts -> edit routine. This does not use Gutenberg and is very simple. It relies on having the Rest API installed. This is installed for you after this plugin if you allow it. What's nice is you have the ability to allow it to edit other custom post types (e.g. pages). Most people use page builders so this would not work for them but if you have simple site with great content, this will allow you to dip into posts and pages, etc. and edit to your hearts desires. I love it and find it very useful at times. If you want to use your page builder you can always go into the backend and use it, this is just another way of editing. My advice (if you use it) is to use it on 'posts' and every day stuff where you just want to bang out some content without all the hassle of going into the backend, etc. Nice one.
2019년 7월 3일
Ok so this plugin hasn't been updated in 3 years but it still works like a charm! Love it! Thank you!
2018년 6월 8일 2 replies
For those who work with a newer WP version with the build in REST API, you can add : return; after: function check_rest_api_plugin() { In class-fee.php in the root of the plugin folder. Now you dont need the Wordpress Rest Api plugin. It seems like PUT and PATCH are not supported anymore and the new route for updating is a post to /pages/500 for example. You can fix this by editing fee.js in the js folder. Change line 23 to: return Backbone.sync('create', model, _.clone(options)).then(function (data, text, xhr) { So update method to 'create'. Hope this works for others, cause this plugin seems to be the best free front end editor 🙂
2018년 2월 2일
never got off the ground!. No instructions, no settings. Front-end Editor requires WP REST API that will cause errors with Jetpack, Deactivate jetpack and still not work.. giant waste of time A easy, working plugin to do as this plugin claims to do, allow registered user to edit their own post is much needed!..
2017년 11월 29일
Only problem I see here is integrating this will all of the custom fields and post types that have evolved. This plugin is going to need a simple API that programmers can interface with allowing them to create intuitive ways for users to handle Shortcodes, shortcode IN custom fields, custom fields created with things like Redux and ACF... Please do this, its a huge task, maybe if WordPress took people off of Gutenberg and put them onto this we would have a fantastic product!!!
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