이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

WP Image Embeds


Attracting links to your site is the hard part of SEO. Ideally your content will speak for itself and naturally attract links over time. But why not encourage linking by making it easy for other webmasters to link to you?

If you have unique and interesting images, photos, or infographics on your site the chances are that other webmasters are already picking these up and using them on their own sites. That’s great if they link back to you, but many won’t. This is why we built WP Image Embeds. It is a simple plugin designed to make it easy for other webmasters to embed your images, while at the same time linking back to you.

Plugin Demo

How does it work?

When you install and activate the plugin you will have access to a new option in the Customizer, Display Image Embed. Here you can choose to activate the plugin site wide on posts and/or pages. By default the plugin is not active on pages or posts.

If you only want to run the plugin on certain pages you can leave these site wide settings unchecked and instead simple activate the plugin on a particular page or post. This option appears on the page or post edit screen as a new meta box below the main content editor.

And that it is. We purposefully tried to make this early version of the plugin very simple to use. If you have any ideas on how we could enhance the plugin with additional features, please contact us.

More reading

We have written more about the plugin here, and you will find our massive WordPress hosting review here.


  • This is the modal popup that visitors will see if the plugin is active and they right click on an image.
  • These are the global settings which you will find under Settings > WP Image Embed. Check to enable the plugin on all pages and/or posts. If you do not enable globally you can still enable at the post or page level.
  • This is the post/page meta box. If you do not enable the plugin globally you can enable at the page or post level by checking here.


Login to your WordPress site and search for “WP Image Embeds” from the plugin admin. Install and activate. Or you can install manually.

  1. Upload the entire “/wp-image-embeds” directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate WP Image Embeds through the Plugins menu in WordPress.


You will find the FAQ on WPDevShed.com.


2020년 4월 30일
We put a great deal of effort into making our infographics. And we want people to pinch them. But only if they use our embed codes. It’s been a clunky business making embed codes and providing them for each of these images. Now this plugin does it for us. Really clever, effective and so easy to use.
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tested to latest version of WordPress 5.2.2


First Release