

이 플러그인은 2022년 12월 1일(으)로 폐쇄되었고 내려받기가 불가능합니다. 사유: 보안 문제.


2022년 1월 6일
I’ve an indie writing blog. Pictures really give the words a chance to breathe, but it’s time-consuming to take or search for pics, confusing to be sure of clearance rights on pics, and expensive to use stock images when you don’t sell anything and there’s no money to divy up. I found this plugin and it is amazing. You drop in photos and it does the rest. I’ve gone back a few times to read on it and make sure this is all okay and legal. Seems to be. If I ever get discovered and make some money on my site, I will gladly give some of it for this service. Great plugin!
2017년 9월 14일
I love this plugin. It works very well. I have never had a conflict or issue with it. Thomas maintains it regularly. Excellent tool for bloggers.
2017년 7월 7일
The idea is great and it could be super useful, would change to a 5 star in a heartbeat if below issues were fixed: 1. Unluckily in my case it doesn’t pull images from Pixabay, there’s always an error, and Pixabay is by far the most important resource. 2. You only get the pictures that comes in the result, you can’t load more, which is not good because often the good picture you want might be on the second or third page.
2016년 9월 3일
it is easy to use and helping to find images. i hope in future more image resources could be added (not only pixabay and flickr)
모든 36 평가 읽기

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