Rename WP Media Files Name


This plugin adds feature to change your Media Attachments Files Name Easily.


  • Change (Edit) Media Uploads File Name Easily From Attachments Edit Page

Interested in contributing to WP Edit Username?
Contact me… sagorh672(at)


  • Media attachments Rename Box.


To add a WordPress Plugin using the built-in plugin installer:

Go to Plugins > Add New.

  1. Type in the name “Rename WP Media Files Name” in Search Plugins box
  2. Find the “Rename WP Media Files Name” Plugin to install.
  3. Click Install Now to begin the plugin installation.
  4. The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.
    If successful, click Activate Plugin to activate it, or Return to Plugin Installer for further actions.

To add a WordPress Plugin from github repo / plugin zip file :
1. Go to wordpress plugin page
2. Click Add New & Upload Plugin
3. Drag / Click upload the plugin zip file
4. The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.
If successful, click Activate Plugin to activate it, or Return to Plugin Installer for further actions.


How to use this plugin?

Just after installing the plugin, go media uploads list and click one to edit at bottom you will find box to rename the file. See screenshot.


2020년 2월 9일
My site is on WordPress. I searched for a plugin for a long time so that it would be easy to rename the media file. The plugin “Rename WP Media Files Name” is exactly the option that I needed. Installation without problems, does not require additional settings. The media file renaming field is located in the file editing form, which is a plus, since it does not take up space in media file browsing. To rename, enter a new file name and click the “Update” button, while other fields of the form are not changed. In other plugins, when renaming, “Title” field changed, which was an unpleasant surprise for me. Thanks to Sajjad Hossain Sagor for developing a useful plugin.
2018년 4월 30일
It’s very popular plugin though.. You have put your unique idea. Don’t give up boy… You have inner power as well as a good potential.
2018년 4월 29일
I have looked for a good media renamer for a long time. Finally, this is one that actually does what it says it does. It is good to start out with the files properly renamed but not always possible. Media File Renamer is for just those occasions. & I’m a web designer and use this plugin on every site I create and would definitely recommend it to save hours of your valuable time. A batch file renaming function with a sequential numbering ability (similar to Photoshop and other file name utilities) would make it indispensable. “Lot OF Thnks”
모든 3 평가 읽기

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  • Compatibility check for wp 6.6


  • Compatibility check for wp 6.3


  • Compatibility check for wp 6.0


  • A Major Update.. Added feature when media file name renames it’s old thumbnails will also be deleted…


  • A Minor Bug fixed… Added check if input available to ignore any error


  • On Media List View.. Bootstrap Framework was causing issue.. Fixed with this version.


  • File Rename Second time was causing issue… GUID wasn’t updating properly if user want’s to update file multiple time.. It’s now fixed


  • Initial release.