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WP Reroute Mandrill


Install wpMandrill first! 🙂 I use this in my personal localhost development flow, to allow emails to be sent out from a local install. Thought I\’d share it with you and make it an easy install for developers.

If you use this, let me know!!!

Basically, make sure the wpMandrill plug is installed, setup, and running on your local install, however, the plugin will do nothing if wpMandrill is not installed. 😉

Add this plug-in, go find it in the SETTINGS section of your WP install and config it.

This plug in will not reroute other plugs, like Mailpoet, that use their own mail handling or SMTP intercepts.

It works great for things like normal WordPress emails (password reminders, new users, etc,) Woocommerce, or anything that uses wp_mail to send.


-Make sure wpMandrill is installed and setup first.

-Install this plugin from the WordPress Plugins repository, or unzip a downloaded copy to your /wp-content/plugins folder.


-donate to me in some way so I can bask in the hella profitable world of Worpdress!


Q: Why you so stupid?

A: You worry about yourself!

Q: How?

A: Magic!


2016년 9월 3일
I’ve used an alternate plugin for rerouting mail forever but it always lets me down when it comes to Mandrill. As is always the case in the Wordpress world: Ask and ye sha’ll receive! Hooray! Now I can test my Mandrill-enhanced applications without fear of unintended mail going out to users. Awesome! A+++
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0.2.1 Updated readme.txt

0.2.0 Added simple settings page

0.1.0 First beta release.