WP Responsive Jquery Slider is world renowned as the most beautiful and easy to use slider on the market.
Create dynamic slideshows that adapt to any screen in just few clicks.
WP Responsive Jquery Slider one of the best ways to display lots of information in a relatively small space while adding cool functionality to a web page.
The jQuery plugin is completely free and totally open source, and there is literally no better way to make your website look totally stunning.
-Easy to install.
-Tons of configuration options.
-Fully responsive - will adapt to any device.
-Uses jQuery transitions for slide/fade animation.
-Browser support: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera , IE7+
- Chinese (China – zh_CN) – Team Startbit
Rate Us / Feedback
Please take the time to let us and others know about your experiences by leaving a review, so that we can improve the plugin for you and other users.
Want More?
If You Want more functionality or some modifications, just drop us a line what you want and We will try to add or modify the plugin functions.
Available Languages
- English (EN – en_US) – Team Startbit
- Chinese (China – zh_CN) – Team Startbit
If you have created your own language pack, or have an update of an existing one, you can send gettext PO and MO files to Us so that We can bundle it into this plugin. You can download the latest POT file, and PO files in each language.
Installation consists of following steps:
- Upload “WP Responsive Jquery Slider” to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
- 워드프레스의 ‘플러그인’ 메뉴에서 플러그인을 활성화하세요.
- Place the “WP Responsive Jquery Slider” in your dashboard menu a area.
- An easy way to add WP Responsive Jquery Slider in your pages and post with shortcode[post_slider].
- How many images I can display in a Image slider ?
You can display as many images as you want as a slider using this plugin.
- Is it possible to set the sliding speed?
Yes you can set speed from the admin area.
- Is it possible to display title/caption?
Yes you can . Give the name of post and you cant title.
- Is it possible to select transition type?
You can chose from 2 transition options. Fade or slide.
이 플러그인에 대한 평가가 없습니다.
기여자 & 개발자
자국어로 “WP Responsive Jquery Slider”(을)를 번역하세요.
개발에 관심이 있으십니까?
- Added some css changes for slider text.
- Checks and cleans URL variables using esc_url().
- Make compatible with the latest version for wordpress.(WP v4.7.3)
- Make compatible with 4.2 version for wordpress.
Added a pot file for language translation support.
Added po/mo files for Chinese (China – zh_CN) and Serbian (sr_RS) language translation.
Added a new feature to pause slider at hover.
Added a new feature to show navigation panel at slider.
- 초기 릴리즈